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Everything posted by Calang

  1. Has anyone seen Elena lately? Seems like every time I check them out I only see Artur in the living room, on the PC. Unless she's still sleeping.
  2. Kiko looks like he's sucking his thumb. Maybe he's thinking about the goat, lol ;D (Attachment Purged)
  3. Could someone just post the fucking eyespyfx tool password, for crying out loud!
  4. Lol @ whitest dick. We were disinfecting everything in sight until we got to Lina and Mark's apartment, but being outnumbered by the germs and bacteria there we were forced to retreat, lmao ;D
  5. FN, it's not so much the asking to upload pics or vids, as it is the begging for logins and passwords to RLC, especially on threads that have nothing at all to do with logins, or passwords. I mean really, the way peeps are getting banned, who in their right mind would give their login info to a complete stranger? Makes no sense.
  6. It's all good JoJo, at least you know you were highly recommended, and that says a lot about you :)
  7. Like a train wreck huh? Lol, damn. The chunky one had insecurities apparently, or perhaps wasn't getting her needs satisfied. I mean why else would she cheat? It was a bad move though, because from what I can see skinny has a bangin' body. Her ass is maaaaaad sweet.
  8. The filth on that towel, the dirty dishes, the messy apt... I bet she would clean up if a new guy was coming over to fuck her Quite frankly, I don't think she would. She'll probably think to herself, "at least I bathed and my pussy's clean. He should be happy with that." Lol :o
  9. Alright! Alright! Lora and I have been seeing each other for the past couple of nights! I admit it! Btw, her pussy does smell like Clorox, lmao ;D
  10. Damn, Alma looks so damn good just laying there in her jeans and shirt. I love the way her tits seem to defy gravity, lol ;D
  11. Nice, Trickshot. Now if only she'd invest some of that energy into cleaning her house instead of being a filthy slob, lol :P I'd like to see her friend doing that tit bouncing dance without clothes... 8) Hell yeah! Hot Rod 22, you're speaking my language buddy ;)
  12. Yeah right, NoraLover. Like hell you would, lmao ;D
  13. Admin is going to be watching and booting these beggars/spammers. I also requested that JoJo be considered for a Modulator position. He'll certainly be more of an asset to CamCaps than what he already is right now. I'm sure he'd like to literally and physically "boot" some of these thread shredders, lol. I like to come here to read the comments, see pics, vids, and catch-up when I'm away, not see 150 posts in every thread asking for logins or passwords. That shit gets old and tiring, and pisses people off. >:(
  14. NullBurner, don't get offended, my German bro, "plausible" is a good thing. It means that he agrees with your comment. Actually, your English is very good for someone who learned it 15 years ago and doesn't use it on a daily basis. So stop worrying, no one's going to hate you, at least not I, or any of the other more understanding people on this forum. Keep the comments coming bro, we "hear" you ;)
  15. I like it when they're happy and all kissy kissy. They don't look good at all when they're sad or angry. :'(
  16. Interestingly, Max just walked in and gave Lora a hug and kiss which she reciprocated. Then he lowered his briefs and showed her his cock as if telling her, "you want some of this?" Then he picked up the cat and kissed it. I think that's the only "pussy" he's gonna get, lol ;D
  17. Lora just waking up in the living room alone. Could there be trouble in their horizon? (Attachment Purged)
  18. The pleasure is mine. Thanks :)
  19. This is what the code looks like for those that don't know. It's a group of letters and numbers located on the lower left corner of the RLC screen. Try to crop, blur, cover, or pixelate that code.
  20. http://camcaps.net/random-discussion/real-life-cam-log-in-details/ <--- There are a few on this thread. Some have even begun begging/spamming on other threads, mostly "newbies," looking for a handout. Incidentally, if JoJo's not a mod, I'd certainly recommend making him one with authority to boot these pestilent thread shredders. Btw, thanks for your reply, I'm one of the many who enjoy CamCaps.Net ;)
  21. This thread is for those who are "begging for crap in threads that have nothing to do with passwords or login details" and are "spamming their shit all over the forum." Incidentally, if JoJo were Admin he'd boot your asses, and everyone that's here to post real, worthwhile, comments, pics, and vids, would emphatically LIKE that.
  22. Alma's my kind of girl, a real freak. Stefan is either clueless or ignorant as to what he has.
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