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Everything posted by Calang

  1. It's pretty obvious that she was sucking dick, lol. Good shot from the hall cam cous122.
  2. Alma and Lora are at the top of my list. Both are clean, cook, and like to get it on. My dream girls, hehe :D
  3. Lina, you're pretty, but please stop being a pig! Look at that towel! Everyone that comes into the house has used it! It's filthy and gross! Do the laundry, clean the kitchen, cook a meal gaddemmit! (Attachment Purged)
  4. I wonder who this new guy is, has anyone seen him before? I see more guys come over than girls in this apartment. Could Kiko possibly go both ways? Hmmm, I wonder. (Attachment Purged)
  5. I saw the "Fat Chick" JoJo, and yes, I'd hit it, lmao ;p
  6. Yeah, she should dump his sorry, red belt, red shoes wearing, trying to look like David Bowie, ass! Lol ;D
  7. But only for Kiko, because apparently she can't stand the goat, lol.
  8. Most women tend to feel uncomfortable when they're alone in a room with a man that's not "their man." She could also be uncomfortable because she wants to feel comfortable in her own living room, and here's this guy all laid back, trying to chat with her, like he owns shit. She should talk to Kiko and tell him how she feels, or just have a threesome and get it over with, lol :P
  9. You caught the best part trickshot. When watching full length porn movies, I almost always fast forward to the end scene because who has time to sit there and watch a whole lot of humping, bumping, and grinding. I have work to do, lol.
  10. That was funny, lol ;D
  11. I like thick and chunky girls ... Like Campbell's Chunky Soup, lol :P
  12. Of course NoraLover ... Of course, lol ;)
  13. Mad boring, lol. Like watching grass grow, or paint dry, lol.
  14. Good one NoraLover, lol. Doesn't hurt to ask, huh? Lol
  15. Ok, I stand corrected, lol. However, I hate that Alma busts her ass cooking and cleaning while this joker plays games and chats on the computer. He should be helping her. She's not his slave. So, he's still a dick and a moron, lol. (Attachment Purged)
  16. Max is a dick. He cheated on Lora with some bimbo, and in their own bed! I wonder if Lora knows, and if she does why hasn't she cut his dick off like Lorena Bobbit? Lmao ;p
  17. She can fit a whole banana in her mouth, marvelous! ;D
  18. It's just for fun, like a "rebellious" fashion statement. We're all brought up having to wear matching socks, so by wearing mismatched socks they're going against the norm, against the traditional. People do all kinds of things to start trends, and this is most likely one of them.
  19. Watching Lora cleaning her kitchen is such a turn on. There's something about a woman that's obsessively clean that does it for me. I bet her pussy smells like Clorox, lol 😜 (Attachment Purged)
  20. I don't think of him as gay. I see him as loving her enough to tolerate this little fetish of hers. I agree that he should be playing with HER nipples more, but I've seen him try...and she pushes his hand away. No big deal...just one of those things that couples do that others see as a bit strange. Exactly! Like for instance I've heard of one couple who would sit naked in their hallway, she on one end and he in the other, and she would roll hard boiled eggs at him and yell "bombs away!" which turned him on. Different strokes for different folks, lol ;p
  21. Alma is a freak and Stefan can't handle her. She's always trying to coax him and seduce him, but he's too busy playing games on his computer. Stefan is a pure moron. Forrest Gump has more sense of what to do with a woman than he does, lol.
  22. And it's free! Lol ;p
  23. And they're not getting any "substances" to "intake" from myself or trickshot either. We need to see our lights and colors. It's all we have left, lol ;p
  24. My name is Bond, James Bond, lol ;p
  25. We forgive you, keep posting! Lol ;p
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