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Everything posted by stash

  1. There are few people in the Barcelona section of RLC that tend to say the girls are professionals, drug users and dealers. Because of the new rules we cannot argue directly in those threads, and I am happy with that. I am trying to open a conversation here where we may talk about the issues that bother so many. Why don't you speak your mind out?
  2. I don't think Lola controls Belle, but rather Lola doesn't seem to place Belle in the same circle of girls as Stella and Carolina, for instance.
  3. I am so fed up to read about drugs and prostitution in RLC that I start thinking those guys who every other day bring these topics are anti-RLC. What's your thought! Are they boycotting RLC?
  4. Unless the admin step up and ask them to stop calling these girls sluts, prostitutes, etc, these people will keep saying whatever please them.
  5. She probably went down to the beach to meet someone, not for a swim, and going out maybe later. She took off the shorts and top to avoid to get them wet and she put away in the bag she had with her. Or maybe not...
  6. Yes, probably, so they must be really closed to the beach and it could explain a lot of things.
  7. Seriously she was just wearing her underwear and a sort of flip flop, you can't go in the street like that. She must have met someone in the building or maybe a car picked her up and took her back bust still you have to step out of the car...
  8. Few days ago I heard Masha talking to the Italian girl their visa was expiring very soon, but I had not realized they had been so long in Italy.
  9. What they do is scripted soft-porn already. I hope to see the end of it and hopefully if they want to have sex they do it and if they don't they chat and laugh normally, if they are able to do it.
  10. Not on cam, the behaviour after the infamous party let me think they may have done something like before and it was not too shocking for them, unusual, but not terrible...
  11. But it should too risky to control recording to spread around, specially in flats such this as a lot happen in potentially free cams.
  12. She and Caterina went to open the door, she was topless and Caterina in white, they waited at the door and when Belle and Stella entered Lola kissed first Belle and than jumping and smiling kissed Stella who was happy as well, Stella had a suitcase and after few words she went to occupy Megan room than I changed apartment... I was a bit surprise everybody was so happy...
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