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Everything posted by stash

  1. Non ti incazzare e dire minchiate, fai la figura del cretino e basta, poi voglio dire stai spiando ragazze giovani dal buco della serratura mica puoi venire a fare il santarellino..
  2. I saw Rebecca packing a small luggage some clothes earlier this evening and to me it seemed she had a document with her when joined Lola on her bed. I am wondering if Rebecca is leaving or going for a short trip and need some documents to be filled. I think Lola covered what Rebecca was doing because there was too much information on that paper and she was just on camera.
  3. I said Megan, she was sublime if this is a word one can use here, but it should be Megan & Rebecca... Rebecca voraciously attacking that pussy! What a moment - best ever in RLC...
  4. shit, I just renewed my account after months because I saw things were getting spicy and they go on holiday... I'll have to wait a couple of weeks and be content with Dasha, Leora & various ex-queens...
  5. When I say I understand voro and tver interact I mean I have noticed them interact in more than a way, it is a fact. What is their relationship, I don't know and care but I hope to see Charlie having sex with everybody, chairs included...
  6. I have been watching this for few day. So I now understand that tver and voro interact, people leave, change couples and move from one flat to the other. Has Charlie had sex with others that Akira? How often people move or leave?
  7. There are few people who tend to vent their frustration more than others. Weekend off is nothing, not a big deal, they may be more relaxed when they come back. Let's hope they don't come too relaxed... :lmao:
  8. Premium was meant for those who wanted to pay more for extra features and as an incentive one flat was added (it turned out to be not really special...) and maybe one or two more apartments would be added later, it looks like the plan has changed a bit... In any case Ilona is the hot girl of the moment and see her disappear after few days it is not cool. A bit like when Diana went off line after few days... People can get mad, specially if you are paying for it...
  9. Wala better than White for sure... Thanks for clarifying the situation!
  10. You are honest because you admit you are not a member and this is what you think by watching only those cams you can. Not many people are as honest to say they don't have full access. For the comment I personally think you can say whatever you think, this board is not for RLC members but people who want to comment on RLC. I myself am a member now but most of the time I am not and come to check here to see what is going on. :)
  11. Just to understand, if you are a member then why you watch only free cams? If you are not a member than why do you feel insulted as you don't pay anyway...
  12. It's a shame Sara is never at home, there is a good feeling between her and White and they seem friends and talk together often when they are both home, at least something to watch between her showers and changes of clothes. On the contrary Ilona is always home but she doesn't seem to know too well the other girls and they don't seem to have the energy and interest to get to know each other. Ilona tried sometimes but they really they don't seem to click well so far, and time is not their friend. Ilona is left alone and left alone she types on her laptop all day long with some pauses where she gives those very gratifying and professional shows :P What we really would need from her is a visit of a boyfriend or maybe the person with she chats. A banana probably would suffice though... :lmao: at least when I am watching...
  13. Dasha does't shy away nudity, plenty of it in the shower with or without Demid... it's sex that has become an issue. They have passed several phases, at the very beginning they were very open and wouldn't shy anything. Something changed and I can't remember when exactly, because I honestly don't watch constantly rlc. However, I remember a moment she was absent for a long time and when she came back she was thin and something was different. Then it was him that was not at home for long periods of time and I thought they would actually leave RLC. In any case I don't see any other couple or people offering better at the moment or that have in the past. In general they have their moments which are still worth watching, partying with friends, lovely Dasha showering and THAT sex included... My very modest opinion on the matter... :)
  14. I don't think that sex under cover is less sexy than in full view, I still find more erotic that than a porn movie with cameras to every possible angles and voyeurism is not just sex. I like Dasha and that's what make this apartment more interesting than others to me, and also all the friends that come and go have very often offered interesting action. At the end of the day more flats we have better it is, more choice. Besides, I see no reason to go against an existing one as we know that it would not bring necessarily something better. :)
  15. It is funny though anybody can insult tenants for not having high hygiene standard, being silly and looking herself or himself at the mirror too much, get caught smoking and you are surely a crack addict, not to talk about sex performance, but you say fat and everybody seem to get suddenly concerned, almost caring... :nana:
  16. as per tradition to this flat the girl is a beauty, she is worth the price of the ticket alone. I can't wait to see more girls to join her... ;)
  17. he seems to go out in the afternoon and come back at home in the morning, very often. She does that as well but perhaps less regularly. What they do I have no idea, but when at home they sleep most of the day.
  18. something is going to happen between the 4 of them, if they stay longer. Big Red has already used the second bathroom to release her "anxiety"... I am waiting for Little Blue to do something... and more...
  19. basically she cleaned the house for Maya and her pets... :o
  20. I like her allot!! I hope that she is going to be there for a while!! Me too... but are they leaving already???
  21. What I'd love to see is Big Red using the strap-on on Little Blue! ;D :P
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