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Everything posted by stash

  1. I have noticed that the main contributors to various discussions in RLC, and beyond I guess, are obsessed with porn, any form but specially women orgy, possibly teenagers, but not lesbians, beautiful teenagers straight that for curiosity have an orgy or two, possibly more. Anyone can see this is very attractive but it stops as a fantasy, insisting on that becomes an obsession, and in any case not really an RLC material. If RLC is bending to that direction we have to ask it is actually to fulfill our obsession and it is becoming yet another porn site.
  2. I don't believe it, I think it will be ok, but if it so it may be good, so at RLC may start getting back to couples.
  3. Well, the fact is that Stella in a night did more with a guy just met than all the girls in the house say it clearly, I am just watching the events.Kamila and Kristy are other examples.
  4. After tonight it seems clear that Stella is not into girls and she should really stop teasing with all that rubbish, as most of the girls in Barcelona should actually. Some will displeased but most of us will be fine ;)
  5. When you live in a flat with a camera pointing to your naked ass taking a shower and probably somebody with his dick in his hand watching your ass you may move on formalities quickly... ;)
  6. I like Milena, she reminds me somehow Queen Nora.
  7. One of the reason I do not like calling the girls in any flat in names is because it sounds bizarre. We enter their homes and should be glad to do it, if you pay or not, and as a guest it is not nice to insults the hosts or actors in case it is a show. Many more reasons but this is a first.
  8. If you use standard rules of normal conversation you can say whatever you like, if you can't accept that then you have not really experience at all voyeur or not.
  9. There are few people in the Barcelona section of RLC that tend to say the girls are professionals, drug users and dealers. Because of the new rules we cannot argue directly in those threads, and I am happy with that. I am trying to open a conversation here where we may talk about the issues that bother so many. Why don't you speak your mind out?
  10. I don't think Lola controls Belle, but rather Lola doesn't seem to place Belle in the same circle of girls as Stella and Carolina, for instance.
  11. Milena looks like s serious portrait photographer, professional or not, the way she stands in front of her model and how she directs and build the scene with no tools other than the camera. Hot model too ;)
  12. Very interesting couple, very interesting possible development. Apparently different personalities and experience could create a strong relationship.
  13. I am so fed up to read about drugs and prostitution in RLC that I start thinking those guys who every other day bring these topics are anti-RLC. What's your thought! Are they boycotting RLC?
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