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Everything posted by stash

  1. The tall girl I would call Manza if she doesn't have a name already, of course...
  2. They were looking at the door always, they went to the restroom and closed the door to make sure not to be disturbed...
  3. Kaley is as depressed and depressing as Kamilla... Just get them out...
  4. he is not that old and she is not that young.. it should be fun, fine I mean... 🤷‍♂️
  5. La tirano un po' per non bruciarsi tutto in un giorno 🤨
  6. Poco? Tanto is more like it... In any case, I imagined just a bit the opposite when I watched them, but they are both exited and thrilled by the situation, and seem to know what they are doing... She has changed a lot since she was here last time...
  7. who was this girl? she is beautiful...
  8. https://youtu.be/9yt4jk9ahpQ some old song Masha, Dasha and Sasha were listening today...
  9. on my opinion, the chap with Megan didn’t seem an asshole by the way, he was following her like a puppy... but I was not paying too much attention to him to be honest...
  10. I have read lots of comments against tenants in this forum and even if you have some reason I always think: what a miserable bunch you are. Take for example Sid. I understand you have your reasons but still you sound just sick and miserable when you keep making those stupid jokes. I understand you are perverts and pathetic but we all are so why?
  11. I don’t understand why some of you guys are obsessed to kick somebody out when you have so many more flats online, so many you may not even watch them all... There are many flats that are so anonymous nobody really talk about so why kick somebody who actually gather some interest... Just wondering...
  12. it would be much more reassuring if humanity future would depend on few hundreds peeping toms
  13. she is or seems really upset, it may be the beginning of the end for this fluid couple or maybe the end of the beginning to a different relationship or nothing at all, we may or may not understand better when they wake up
  14. strange... well just curious... But I don't think it is RLC putting there pics but people going into the replay thinking something happened, but I am over with paying RLC anyway, I am just passing by... Good luck...
  15. So, are we all just watching those blurred little picture... Anybody knows if have they fucked or not?
  16. ... and more important who will finally take the rubbish out?
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