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Everything posted by stash

  1. That's strange, this new couple is just sleeping in Katya & Ruslan bed. ;D They fell asleep watching a movie with the 3d glasses still on. The funniest thing is Katya instead of waking them and Ruslan up, that in the meantime was sleeping on the sofa bed, took sheets and a blanket and went to sleep all alone int the leaving room I wonder what happens when everybody wakes up ;D
  2. By the way, Roman passed some spry freshener on the sofa just in case... ;D It is still unconvinced as from time to time he sniffs to check if a presence of odor could confirm the wicked act ;D
  3. They had a quarrel yesterday and they ended up sleeping on the sofa, unfortunately I was watching football and I missed how they ended up both on the sofa. It's a shame that not understanding the language some details are missing. Sofia and Roman could be even swingers and we don't know ;) Anyway, it will be interesting to see if Sofia gets to know this adventure and see the consequence. I expect her to find out, otherwise it means they don't read or understand CC!!!! ;D
  4. I would say that many of the derogative comments addressed to RLC tenants are a form of complain to the "show" they provide. However, there are fewer CC members that go further and attack anyone on sight with gust not just RLC tenants, but CC members as well. ;D On top of that, I have never seen any moderator step in so I guess this encourage people to just say anything they feel like. ???
  5. I have noticed it, but she was not drunk anymore, maybe ;)
  6. By the way, it's 3 weeks they last had sex, I am wondering if this is a record in RLC ;D If they keep up they may go for a month without having any physical contact :o
  7. Yes, I thought the same, she seems a different person, very lively, happy and, of course, beautiful ;)
  8. You can find the same clip as above on motherless, exactly 46 minutes ;) (The Video link associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  9. When he plays with knives he is really scary... Anyway, in the bedroom they wrestled a bit with he mocking Diana who looked upset but nothing violent at all happened. Sometimes he looks even younger than his already YOUNG age
  10. same here, black screen, logo, time and sound. >:(
  11. How can you exclude Isabel and Marcello? You can add them, but to me she seems lost in her thoughts when they do it, really there is something wrong, she looks as if she can't wait to get over with.
  12. Just feed my curiosity: how many of you have ever paid RLC?
  13. It was sexy! It was really erotic watching this woman in shower and in bed with Alina. There was an erotic intensity not seen many times. Nothing happened between Alina And her, but they were not very far, maybe not Alina but this girls looked very horny and drunk ;) I think she had 2 showers and a bath! At some point she looked she wanted to do something but watched the camera and thought otherwise.
  14. It's a couple problem. Roman and Sofia don't seem to have sexual interest in each other. However, you can't quite say it is her or him. As a couple it's just doesn't work very well. My only question is: whenever Roman wants to have sex Sofia is always ready for him, when she moves on him in bed he just turn away and sleep, end of story. ??? If Roman was just a bit like Efim he would not turn and sleep. ;)
  15. The only couples who are sexual partners are Alina&Anton, Leora&Paul and Diana&Efim, all the others are not. I don't know what relationship they have but there is no sexual tension or interest. >:( I don't know what they do during their day, but when they come home they just want to sleep, watch television or connect to internet, which is absolutely fine but for us is terribly boring and they should be out of RLC. RLC must have realized that with Sofia and Katya made a mistake and they had finally found a good couple: Diana&Efim, or maybe it was just luck. I hope the new couple will be worth Diana&Efim, but... ???
  16. Sex between Alina&Anton, Diana&Efim, Sofia&Roman, Maya&Stepan, Leora&Paul and even Katya&Ruslan, rare it might be, has been clearly unsimulated sex with no censorship. Irony and sarcasm aside, it's not softcore porn at all.
  17. To be honest I don't even know why to open a thread for something so abstract and far for true. Anton, for example, comes home at around 7pm and spend the best part of his evening until late night in front of his computer playing games and not talking to anyone, it's 6-7 hours. I have not noticed Efim doing anything even close to that. Said that I have nothing against video games. It's just a way to spend time as watching movies or reading books. It's getting a more mature form of entertainment, not just for teenagers. ;)
  18. Leora got over Russia being eliminated and she is watching France vs. Germany right now By the way, no delay at all to the second
  19. Time to buy a subscription at RLC has come then for a squirrel too ;) There is much to gain from a better position of cams other than sex, of course, and you can say you are supporting a couple of artists as well ;D
  20. She was doing a bit of stretching in the kitchen after doing her nails when it seems the hip dislocated or the muscle teared and she started limping. She had a problem to her right shoulder few days ago. Ruslan has been applying some sort of cream on the back of her shoulder, since.
  21. I haven't seen Ruslan around. He came with lots of Sushi late their afternoon and he disappeared again. At least she had something to eat...
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