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Everything posted by stash

  1. It's strange because they seem quite a natural exhibitionist couple: having sex in the balcony during they day with lots flats around is not really that normal and when they had sex in the bed they were not shy at all. Anyway, it is another dead house, another useless flat which won't add anything to what RLC has to offer. By the way, they packed a bag each with some clothing and left after a quick breakfast, so I guess they are off for the week-end.
  2. Yes, out the boring people, only idiots are allowed to stay...
  3. If you have noticed the locked cams are normally to bedrooms and bathrooms or closed up to sofas: there must be a reason behind this bizarre idea to lock these particular cams. Also RLC call each room Voyeur... What a curious name, to call a room, I wonder why they have chosen such a strange word... Anyway, we are having this long and useless conversation in: Re: the ''OMG LOOOOOOK THERE ARE HAVING SEXXXXXX'' topic Can anyone stop writing here and use a different topic so we don't get the idea they fuck every 5 minutes, at least the morons who care about these "things"...
  4. lulz I don't give karma points and I won't give you now but you deserve -1000 and beyond... ;D
  5. Also, I don't think RLC want to have too much attention on their flats... She was quite loud, in the balcony... If they do it regularly I am sure they may get some onlookers ;D
  6. are you sure,they have go on balcony for doing sex? if it's true,j'm happy,my membership was finish last week and j wase not renew,ouffff Very sure, You could hear them from the kitchen ;D My membership is due to the next couple of weeks or so and I will think to renew it only if I see all new couples who understand the concept. This couple is the worst, even Ruslan is an exhibitionist to compare with them. ;D
  7. I can't believe! They chose to fuck on the balcony where all the neighbors can hear them and that's not anonymous as RLC lol I guess they have got to study a bit more what RLC is lol :o
  8. I am not sure about this, specially the last part . Paul and Sofia seem to be the constant victims, but it's mostly a handful of CC members that are annoyed about their sexual behaviour. I don't know where you read this ;D or maybe this is a preemptive strike. ???
  9. Having sex with Roman is already a harsh punishment. If she can endure that she can face anything... ;)
  10. Few times I have been wondering what she writes while looking on the PC. Maybe work? What kind? Just notes? Maybe addresses? Shops? Your theory is far more interesting!!! To be honest I don't think she is really is interested in Roman to care of a revenge...
  11. What's really annoying is an off-topic post in a language you are not familiar with: so you take time to translate it with Google just to realize it has nothing to do with the subject and it is something you don't give a shit.
  12. Do you say this is first time she takes a bath...?
  13. Finally! haters and moaners have a reason to watch Efim & Diana! lol, no dogs kicked around, clean enough, lot of sex..., but now there we go! lol Well spotted!
  14. I think too many cc members should think twice before posting, although there would be way too few posts, probably. I have seen people writing thousands posts and not a single one shows any sign of sanity. I am personally fed up with not being able to understand a word of these couples, it's too frustrating and the pleasure of voyeurism doesn't compensate enough, and it gets quickly boring.
  15. It had not been working for a while. Cam 3 is in front of their sofa but it's a bit out of focus and not at a good angle as cam 4 >:( With Sofia & Roman is not a great loss, but in future (?) it would be nice to have it back...
  16. They were in balcony when I checked, and I think they still are...
  17. They haven't slept at home for two nights. They are probably staying with relatives or friends. It seems to me that they feel the pressure of the cams on them. I am not sure if they came back in the flat to pick up something and left again because I have not followed them too much. I don't know if they have problems as it seems to me they had a fragile relationship from day one so, I presume, before getting with RLC.
  18. Since Sofia is not as good as Diana at playing the flute, very often Roman has his own flute in is his hands. Both Sofia not performing with the flute and Roman gingerly manhandling it are matters of discussion in this board, so there is a reason for the category. ;D :o Unfortunately for her and us Sofia can't offer any other form of interest...
  19. I tend to agree. It has become pointless. A sign of the times. wish it weren't true, but even if you are a paying member we don't want to jeopardize our membership giving it away. I do however wish that as a paying member they would allow a "rerun" of events I am quite convinced that RLC is doing all of this to avoid that too many "events" go around on internet, specially in porn sites...
  20. Roman in his underpants lying on the sofa is not a pretty view but if you add him flagging the mule it becomes a toxic business. RLC cut the apartment off line, do something, send a hooker!
  21. It seems so. If that was in Diana flat probably we would have few more people to complain about it... ;D
  22. Interesting, how old do you think is Sofia?
  23. I have watched less and less of this couple, but they have always spent way too much time on the balcony. From time to time I used to listened with cam10 if anything was going on, but they seemed to talk rather than having intimate moments. Since they have the new television in the bedroom it's impossible to even listen because the noisy from TV cover everything.
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