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Everything posted by stash

  1. Let's give them some credit: they have done already more than many other couples have done in a much longer period of time and will ever do within RLC reach. It's also nice to watch them as they are never sad, miserable or depressed. They seem a decent couple and are even in love with each other. I find her good looking and he is not the usual ugly guy RLC seem to attract.
  2. We need also to remember that the Marta & David speak Spanish so we who don't speak their language must thank who at least write down some of their arguments. (I am not sure if I said this already...) ;) PS: I admire Klingons, Vulcans, Ferengi, etc... that could speak in perfect American-English very easily, thanks to very sophisticated technology of course, not google/bing translators... :o
  3. Alina & Anton will be on vacation for few days, RLC say. It can't be very different as he took his computer with him to keep playing I presume. At least they have their cat with them, as he is not at home. They probably should have cleaned the house a bit, at least clear the kitchen from food and cat food on the floor ;D
  4. For the first question people take pictures of anything of RLC flats, even bottle of coca-cola, so I don't find it a big deal... The second, people talk about obesity and gun related crimes, Roman jerking off is at least related to life of the couple, unless you think it is a big deal talking about it...
  5. There is nothing we can do but wait for the flat to become vacant, or rather that a new couple have filled the flat, because it is already vacant and has been for a while...
  6. ...we all are a bunch of alienated people, with strange sense of reality and diverse sense of humor... ;D
  7. Katya and Ruslan are in bed together watching something on the laptop right now... ;D but I think she hasn't undone the suitcase yet and they seem very cold to each other, which is not unusual though.
  8. She packed only her clothes in the red suitcase and nothing else. The laptop is still open on the table. Even her photo with Ruslan is still there. It looked like she was trying to leave the flat quickly but than she left the suitcase behind in the closet. We'll see if it will follow a good bye and a proper packing or else...
  9. Marta & David do exist. Marta (the girl with the tight braids that resemble dreadlocks) hasn't been there that much though...it's mainly David (black hair with the nose ring, like a bull's) and his friends, partying: people come in, people leave, music, drinking, texting, hanging outside, smoking, someone napping here or there, and ocassionally they go into the main bedroom's closet for something else (probably to smoke a joint). The most I've seen with this couple has been Marta changing a few times and at one point she tried to get David to have sex by stroking his dick, but he wanted to sleep instead. The best thing I can say about this couple so far is that neither of them seem to be camera shy. David has no problem sleeping nude or just pulling his dick out of his shorts and waving it around in front of Marta...and he definitely doesn't have a problem with taking a shit in front of her either, but she obvious had a problem with the smell and shut the bathroom door. But, overall, this couple makes Katya & Ruslan and Sofia & Roman a lot more interesting. As of now, this couple does NOT justify the purchase of a premium membership. Hopefully, things will change. David and Marta had a conversation about the day had sex, that Darkman very kindly translated for us. Marta was not at ease with it, and the action you have seen reflect that. David is more than willing but they need to learn how to live with cams. I am not sure you have reported the bathroom scene correctly either. I think he asked to close the door to avoid spreading the smell. I must confess I find Marta simply gorgeous ;) She seems to work on night shifts but not everyday. I am not sure what's her occupation. At this stage it's too early to say if they are interesting or not. I had already moved to Premium before their addition just to try the new features. I was thinking to cancel my membership but I have decided to postpone it for the time being.
  10. I think Marta seems more concerned about her bottom and legs rather than taking pride of. I also think she has done the hair recently and she is a bit in discomfort, that's why she seems to apply some sort of emollient cream often.
  11. yes, I also find that rlc abuse its own subscribers, asking them to pay 2 times more expensive to gain access to the "hidden" apartments !!! when they will one another, they will ask for a further $ 20 !!! I think that there will not be many people who can afford the premium package, and one free camera soon appear on the site ..... It's clear that CC is made of people that mostly don't want to pay or can't pay RLC not premium but standard. How much RLC can push on the people who pay is to see. I think the limit might be passed for many, but not sure. It really depends on what they add in the premium package. One couple more and nicer features are probably not enough.
  12. It went off line few minutes ago...
  13. So extracting from some of the last posts I understand that our Daniel bought a cheap plastic air gun to protect family (Adriana) and country (Barcelona) and a bad argument erupted between very few diplomatic non-officials from France, USA and England, and more to come...
  14. If he still plays with a compressed air gun at his age, what will be its exploit in bed ? Isn't firearm the unconscious extension of dick in psychology? I heard somewhere it was cars, maybe it was in a 007 movie...
  15. I really want to see what they want to do with the Premium: if the new added couple is just an incentive to move to it or they will increase the number of couples further more, like 7 for standard and 12 for premium for example, with the best flats in the premium as well. I am surprised that the new last couples are in Spain, by the way, as everybody was guessing RLC was choosing Russia instead. Besides the money the Premium couples might be also more "protected" by going viral.
  16. de momento ella esta desaparecida en combate , los chicos estan hablando ahora de sus problemas con la policia ayer noche , esta muy claro que estan en usuario premium por que se van a pasar todas las normas por los huevos , fumaran ( de todo ) se emborracharan , dormiran vestidos en fin lo tipico de un anti sistema . que por otro lado no me caen mal , lo que si va a estar la casa llena de gente siempre . Police? Why what's happened? If they keep being so active it may be worth watching them... It could be the second good couple with Diana & Efim.
  17. Any news of the couple? What are the first thoughts?
  18. It looks like they use CC as the main way to promote new things. It works quite well because after few minutes the flat that only few can see shows up it becomes the buzz of the moment...
  19. I am sure it is happening, but not at once, just slowly... However, it seems RLC are still plenty of resources...
  20. It was just a bit of sarcasm for both voyeurism and the off topic. ;) I always thought the OMG topics were silly and go off topic is the best way to make use of these crap topics. I think it is clear why we are here, no need for elaboration... The only difference is that if you pay you have a first class seat and if you don't you have to listen from the kitchen hoping they don't play loud music... ;D
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