hell did you vote @beardman...I voted twice...I'm being sarcastic. I thought the samething vote for what ? maybe VV did the vote just for the staff...wouldn't surprise me but you got to love the results (what's the question?????)
you got it, the way they play cards, wow, couldn't control myself, and Alex with that 'frustrated' look since Nastya left? hell I'm excited, and the way Kojac can just sit there for ours....(or maybe it was buffering) YA this apt. hit the jackpot....I wonder if Alex can find 2 Mannequins (I am joking, hope that can be translated)
I don't request participants to do things, I watch ,if there is sex good, if not find another apt. but to complain that there is not enough action ?????nobody has sex 24/7, let them live their lives and we , as voyuers, just sit and watch like we are supposed to do. ACTUALLY the forum that I participate in , very little complaints , so it just might be the 90/10 rule 10% complain, and 90% say nothing
That was very surprising , I didn't think the old guy stood a chance, but a lot of the fucking back then also seemed to be pre-planned, but I hear what your saying
So true, I for one feel it is uncensored Big Bother, lol sorry BIG BROTHER (sometimes I wonder 'why bother' . I just hate that people judge a whole person just because he doesn't last as long as you, or he pisses in the sink (Bad example ) How can you be yourself with 24/7 cameras on you yet act normal ? lets all cut the participants a little slack lol
Please don't ask Participants to do actions for you, they are not trained seals and I believe they are not supposed to interact with the viewers so lets not get them in trouble....again, this is my view not the view of 1,000s of others LOL
Please don't ask Participants to do actions for you, they are not trained seals and I believe they are not supposed to interact with the viewers so lets not get them in trouble....again, this is my view not the view of 1,000s of others LOL