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Everything posted by wathou

  1. Yhea i know she said that she is not into girls at all, but i wouldn't watching the lingerie parties getting back in B2 ^^ And lest be honnest the pussy eating will not happen again before a long time
  2. I understand that but in the other hand if nicole start bringing her boy there we can say byebye too any futur lingerie/lez-ish show that would happen But Nicole's boys doesn't stick around long so i don't know. Let's see how things goes ( like we could do anything to change things anyway )
  3. Damn michelle has so sexy outfit it's sad she doesn't wear them more often and nice view of her ass right now
  4. Yhea and 20$ a year is nothing compared to the 30$/month rlc replay system ^^
  5. I don't really agree with you for once StnCld :X I think the new feature is really intuitive ( even if a fastforward and fastreward button would be great), and really simple to use. And i don't think you "need" it once u used it, it's more like a bonus feature. But this feature cost $ and i don't mind that ( even if this would be free would be amazing) because rlc is right now the only voyeur type website that offers a quanlity/quantity product and their premium price is not that high all things considered. But what really bothers me is that their token idea is just a other word of subscription because they only offer you to BUY 100 / 300 / 600 / 900 and the only option that they offer to use your tokens is 100/day ,200/10days, 300/30days. So in a sence (unless you are dumb) you HAVE to take the 300 tokens option wich is dumb ... this is basicaly a other subscription but i guess it would sell more if they call it tokens ... But still ok they offer this new feature in exchange of money, so now i'm waiting for rlc to upgrade / make more appt that are worthy to watch. Let's see how thinks will go ...
  6. Oui c'est chère 26€ pour le mois mais je voulais test et ta que 2 autre option 200 tokens pour 10 jours et 100 token pour 1 jour donc j'ai pas eu d'autre choix que de prendre celle à 30 ( je voyais pas l'intéret de payer 10€ pour 1 jour ^^' )
  7. Oui tu choisis ton heure dans la timeline et ensuite tu peux switch entre les cam et le temps continue a suivre ( ça c'est top comem ça pas besoin de rechanger le temps a chaque fois que tu change de cam ^^) mais par contre pour avancr ou reculer de qlq seconde / minute c'est impossible ou alors faut être vraiment précis ^^'
  8. I just baught the 30Days Rlc-replay, and it work really fine but one thing that they should add is Fastforward and fastreward :X it is a pain in the ass to skip portion or going back for few secconds :X
  9. that's unsual from her and it looks like she is leaving i hope nothing happend to her on her way to b1
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