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Everything posted by wathou

  1. I see that tibor is truning slowly the guest room into a music studio, too bad it's the only room withour the sound xD
  2. LMAO i taught danaya did baught a toy but it was only strawberries in an valentine's day wrapping xD
  3. https://camcaps.net/forums/topic/9292-barcelona-apt-1-~-timeline/ That's what happend today, if you ask me i'd say it's not worth 30$ but that's up to you ( there was some dancing/teasing from jess & irma ) and btw i don't see why anyone would take the "one day" package with the replay, it's 10$ for on day when you can have 30days for 30$ ^^'
  4. Nice to see irma dancing again, i was afraid that she would only look at her phone for the rest of her stay (don't want to start any crazy theories, but it's strange that irma's mood changed all of a sunden after that UM ... ^^')
  5. I agree as for nicole being a good friend i don't know, she is defenetly Estelle's friend and i think estelle doesn't mind being "bossed" around or she wouldn't be friend with nicole nor she would have joined her in rlc's appt. As for if did nicole used estelle to get the big room, at least to me it's an obvious yes, as soon as she saw the room she wanted to go there, she tried to get it when candy moved out, but the emperor wouldn't let her, then like magic she found a friend and now needed the big room. ^^'
  6. Yhea nicole & estelle are doing great but their relashionship with danaya & angelina seem to have disapeard :X
  7. i don't think so, nicole used estelle for the big room not for money, because i think rlc doesn't really consider estelle as a tenants why when karol left, she didn't get her own room ? i think rlc, consider estelle just as nicole's friend, because let's be honnest even if she is nice, sociale, happy she is not "rlc' type if you know what i mean :X
  8. indeed strange wonder what it is written, seriously it is a pity to wistness that kind of relation bewteen roomates ( i guess it had too happend, we never had "bad" roomates before nicole :X)
  9. Back on twins home with irma how odd ... ( maybe they had a rlc meeting, and someone from the staff braught them home ^^)
  10. LMAO you are probably not a premium member, maintenance happend quiete often xD
  11. Je suis pas un expert en informatique et je n'ai jamais été bannis ( je partage seulement avec des personnes que j'ai 100% confiance), il y juste une fois où mon compte a été "bannis" parceque il avait été hacké mais j'ai contacté rlc et ils m'ont fait changer d'adresse mail et mdp sans perdre de temps d'abonnement donc je ne saurais pas trop t'aider ^^' c'est pour ça que je demandais pq tu avais été ban, si tu ne savais pas pq peut-ê que t'avais été hacké mais à prioris non :X Je penses qu'il doit y avoir une solution mais malheureusement je ne saurais pas t'aider ^^'
  12. je penses que RLC ont "black-listé" les vpn, et quand tu es banni ils mettent tes informations aussi en blackliste. Avant il suffisait juste d'utilisé un vpn ou juste si t'avais une ip dynamique il suffisait juste d'attendre que ton ip change et tu pouvais direct te réinscrire. Mais maintenant c'est plus difficile je penses. Juste une question tu as été bannis pourquoi ? ^^'
  13. Estelle seems to be in a bad mood lately, crying, cuddling with nicole ,... wonder what is happening with her :X
  14. i mean they where talking together in the twin's bedroom, then when i came back they where not there ^^ so i assume they went somewhere together
  15. irma always acted like that, she is really respectfull of the other girls, when new girls come and they are not confortable enough with the cams to walk around naked, irma always put something on, i repsect that
  16. a few months rather ^^, and i think as the screencaps shown that they tried better positionning but i guess it didn' work, or at least i don't see why they would put the cam there knowingly that there is a big blindspot :X
  17. Estelle is crying right now even if i'm not a big fan of her i hate saying women cry Hope everything is ok :X
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