Yeah, Paul is full of shit but Leora has absolutely no self worth or self esteem. She is becoming another Paul. Paul only cares about getting a blowjob while Leora does nothing to tell Paul to do her until she has at least one orgasm. Leora, actually only seems to have one and done orgasm. Fuck, my wife can have at least 3 or 4 or more orgasms (while being with her or by phone sex) before she is done with me. Imagine Leora telling Paul to sexually abuse her. I can picture Paul just standing there with the dumb staring look on his face and then he turns around and goes on his computer. Basically, Leora has a boring sexless life because they do nothing together worthwhile inside or outside the apartment and the sex they do have is miniscule. Leora should tell Paul "NO MORE BLOWJOBS UNTIL YOU MAKE ME HAVE AT LEAST 10 ORGASMS OVER 5 TO 7 DAYS". He ain't man enough to provide what a woman needs.
Paul definitely punched above his belt while Leora punched below her belt. We ALL know Leora could have done a hell of a lot better than Paul, the dead fuck corpse.
What does it mean to punch above the belt?
- If someone is 'punching', that means that they are 'punching above their belt', or in other words the person they are talking to or dating could be thought of as more attractive than them.