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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Aren't we getting spoiled? 😁 Love the shows/videos and always look forward to seeing more of this "real life" couple. Such a horny couple heavily into nudity, sex and being exhibitionist - amazing, beautiful and very much appreciated.
  2. All smoke and mirrors. They hate each other's guts but agreed to do this "friends with benefits" charade for RLC. 😈.
  3. If she reads the forum here then she should only look at her "Fan Page Leora" for all the lovey dovey mushy positive comments. Fuck me, gag me with a spoon - yuck!!!
  4. Sad and confused emoji lovers can now spend quality time watching and drooling over Paul who is their "second love of their life".
  5. It really helps having Paul there because no matter how much I want to observe Leora he makes the viewing impossible to stomach. It would be different if Leora upped her game and perhaps encouraged Paul to behave like a horny man but the reverse has happen - Leora has sunk to Paul's despicable useless level and not worthy of getting excited or spending time just to get pissed off at the farce that it has become. With Paul's presence I think it will speed up Leora's exit from RLC. Happy trails Leora. Next.
  6. For me, Leora is somewhat of an addiction - very nice looking woman and probably the best or #1 sexy tease of any other RLC tenants and likes to perform for the cams. Irma was another one of my addictions. Linda can be my addiction but she doesn't tease enough plus too many tattoos.
  7. Both Leora and Paul are simple-minded and they both lack any real knowledge about sex and show no signs of being horny or wild. They just go through motions of doing the same unexcitable sex. Even 70 and 80 year old couples do more in terms of sex and quality time satisfying each other. Yes, I watch young, mature and old people enjoying sex. Do you see the enjoyment that Leora and Paul have when they are deep into sex? Hilarious, pathetic, head scratcher and WTF!!! Can you imagine their sex lives in 5, 10, 20 or 30 years? Yikes!!!
  8. Just curious - I wonder how many Leora subscribers, fans of Leora and viewers of Leora can honestly say "Leora, you did well by choosing Paul as the love of your life".
  9. Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow. Follow this motto every day and you will have so much free time for yourself.
  10. Or get Leora to put a bag or two bags over Paul's head and then turn on all the lights - 🤣.
  11. It is not just Leora. He is unexcitable - plain and simple. I believe the only times that he shows any excitement with added blood flow is when he grabbed and squeezed Leora's throat and when he was close to hitting Leora with a closed fist. Other than that, his blood flow is slow and thick as molasses. Paul needs blood thinners.
  12. All the blame should be placed on Leora. It is her 'showtime' for RLC. Viewers should tune out whenever Paul is in search of his expected blowjob from his obedient slave woman. Time for Leora to smarten up or kick the lame quack to the curb or pack your bags and GTFO (Get The Fuck Out).
  13. Leora mainly doing Paul for the cams but Paul fucks it up so viewers see very little.
  14. Leora is providing "live" "real life" porn as it happens. She performs for the cams whereby voyeurs are watching her sex acts which she fully realizes is necessary as being a tenant of RLC. Personally I think the sex with Paul is done mainly for RLC and the viewers (just watch how quick, repetitive and ridiculous it is). Leora intentionally continues after Paul cums so the viewers get that extra without Paul. Leora tries to use Paul to add more to her performances. Remember, with Malia, Leora kept trying more as time went and it definitely worked. Since some of us agree that RLC is a porn site and Leora is a porn star the fact is that Leora is well compensated to perform live for the cams (nudity and sex).
  15. It is her way of celebrating special days with all her fans and "lovers". She couldn't give a shit about Paul's need to celebrate because he is an emotionless stunned unexcitable corpse.
  16. I bet you can still out man, out maneuver and out fuck Paul - 😁
  17. Only Leora is to blame by allowing it. Elevator doesn't go to the top floor.
  18. He is a vampire? If so then he should eat Leora out when her bloody Aunt shows up.
  19. Pail does everything half assed or does nothing at all. He is totally maxed out. Can't expect anything more from him but you sure can expect much less from him. Having an obedient slave, being constantly mothered and financially supported by Leora will do that to you. Once lazy and useless, always lazy and useless. When I look at Paul this comes to mind -
  20. I just had a thought. Paul gives Eva a lot of attention, pets her and plays with her often enough. With Leora, Paul gently pats her ass or pussy and softly rides his hand on her body briefly. Paul seems more lovey dovey with Eva especially after he has limited sex with Leora. So I was thinking - maybe Paul should treat Leora like a dog while she does her slave duties. He might then be more playful and aggressive with Leora. If Leora is treated as a dog then Paul can make Leora fetch his bone or big stick and balls.
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