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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Totally not worth it. She is a fragile, emotional train wreck. Gerda dyed her black hair red to look like Mira. Gerda is young but already has saggy boobs. Henry will use and abused her to the point of her being discarded. would be nice to see Mira freewheeling without Henry around.
  2. She would have both Paul AND her fans watching her at the same time as she performs.
  3. EXACTLY!!! How would Leora perform with Paul awake nearby and how would Paul react. Would he ignore her, have quick glances at her, tell her to take it into another room (yell at her saying "busy here"). Paul would get up and have a nap, Paul would unzip his pants to pull out his cock and masturbate or Paul would join in. Yes, it would be a viewers dream to see how it would unfold.
  4. I was wondering - Paul knows that Leora needs time alone to do her RLC job by "performing" for the cams. Sometimes he interferes with her opportunity or plans to satisfy her "customers" via the cams. Now my curious question is this - hypothetically speaking, if Paul sat in a chair in the room watching Leora do her thing for her fans, do you think Leora would be able to successfully do everything that she is known to do plus have her orgasms? Would Paul being there in the room distract her enough that she couldn't follow through with her masturbation show or would it excite her so much that she would orgasm so hard to the point of maybe squirting. Just wonder how it would affect Leora and actually what the reactions Paul would have. Maybe that is what he needs to tempt him enough to pull out his cock and masturbate to "the love of his life" just the way her fans do it when watching her. Actually that would be something to watch because it would be totally different and unexpected and a real life happening. I know viewers don't want Paul anywhere near Leora when she is "showing" but the visual of Paul being like a RLC cam subscriber/fan/viewer sure would be something to observe (Paul being the fly on the wall).
  5. I'm sure that if Mira was given a realm then it would be Henry as the manager and she would have to do the "Henry casting couch tryout" to see if she qualifies. Can't see Henry letting Mira outdo him so he would want a crack at all of Mira's playmates (guys and girls because Henry is bisexual).
  6. Don't have to worry about Leora & Paul having sex under covers because soon they will be in total darkness if Paul continues to have his way with his slave woman.
  7. Paul and Leora are stuck on page one of "The Birds and the Bees".
  8. A slave woman that wants the manly milk - good for her and Paul. The dildos do outperform Paul.
  9. Personally, I think Leora is either clueless about great sex or just happy getting the very minimum from Paul or masturbations for her fans is her major highlight, joy and best orgasms.
  10. Beyond help. Even Leora is boring with the same daily routine due to Paul's presence. Paul ONLY wants a blowjob. Leora is satisfied with fuck all from "the love of her life" - 🤣🤣🤣
  11. She does have a firm body. Her ass looks very deeeeelicious. Complete nudity does make a challenge as to what to look at. Looking directly into the cam would make my toes curl, my cock hard and my tongue waging like crazy as I drool. Hopefully she realizes that she is a hottie and many love how she is built (to perfection). Linda, you got it so flaunt it.
  12. Yikes!!!. If true, then sad to see Leora settle for less and miss out on more to life and love. Drug addicts or a self chosen homeless life are other examples of bad choices but it is what they want. I am just a voyeur so all I can say is "oh, well".
  13. Curious to know what Leora's definition of a man is. Curious to know what Leora classifies or determines someone to be "the love of her life" and how Paul perfectly fits it to a tee.
  14. Paul has to compete against Big black Mr. He always comes in last - go figure.
  15. And Paul controls the time and place when and where Leora can perform for her fans. When Paul wants his blowjob he will warm up to Leora so she will foolishly answer his beck and call. Such an obedient slave woman (but a good looking one at that - yummy).
  16. When you say asshole are you referring to Paul or her puckered bumhole? - 😁.
  17. I bet if Leora & Paul took a three (3) month vacation fully paid by ddhm and RLC inserted a three month rerun video of them no one will even notice - 🤣🤣🤣. Problem is that Leora would go crazy not having her daily masturbations for her cam fans.
  18. Henry left the apartment and Gerda had another one of her many meltdowns which resulted in the realm being removed (temporarily?). No one helps Gerda no matter what anyone says otherwise. Gerda is too fragile and fucked up to be on a voyeur cam site but it brings in viewers and money for VHTV. Henry is a manager of realms so he will return with a bevy of beauties to grope - 🤣.
  19. Maybe realm relabeled as "Misfits" or "Train Wreck".
  20. Much the same. Let me know when Leora finally decides to have a pussy opening piss in the bathtub. Thank you in advance, pulo.
  21. Wow. Such excellent closeups. My mouth and tongue are this close to her pussy - - - -><- - - - . I could almost taste it 😋. She sure likes to abuse her pussy with toys which is a good thing since they give her good orgasms. BEAUTIFUL.
  22. Always nice to see and hear women having orgasms. She is a pretty good masturbator with her toys.
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