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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. Wouldn't put it past Paul to pretend that he is sleeping. I think he is wise onto Leora trying to please her fans. If the fans get something then he wants his blowjob. Leora the slave.
  2. I am one of these men. She doesn't even have to be stunning - just female (with a few exceptions). I'm fortunate because my wife will point out the good looking ones.
  3. He should use it as a sex toy and attach it to his cock. Maybe he would prefer it over Leora and then Leora could have more time "satisfying" her fans.
  4. Sorry, but I want to watch you piss on Paul's cock while Leora pees on my stiffy. If you agree, I will let you lick and taste Leora's pee off my pole.
  5. Talk your way out of it and into into their pants (guy or girl - doesn't matter, right - lol).
  6. Think it is time for me to get back watching Chaturbate and other cam women again. LOTS of variety.
  7. Sad to say but Leora has mostly been very predictable. In terms of masturbation - repetitive. In terms of sex with Paul - repetitive. Any slight changes might be stimulating to observe but basically her masturbations are a carbon copy of previous shows and sex with Paul is
  8. I always compared to other RLC women and she impressed me the most by her good looks and types of teases and nudity. Irma was another good one. I never looked at her as being a Diva or Queen - only as a pretty good RLC show girl. For me, Leora has been brought down some notches because of Paul (too many specifics to mention).
  9. Leora comes across as a clean freak but when it comes to sex she gets down with dirty everything. Maybe her fetish is really stinky cheese cock and shitty fingers. Guess she is not Diva or Queen material.
  10. They resort to this shit because they can't participate in the Leora forums. Now why is that? Because their feelings got hurt and imposed punishment on themselves by backing away from here. They are totally speechless but resort to stupid emojis. What a life. Obviously they live in a bubble just like their favs - Leora & Paul. Small world for small minded shut-ins.
  11. He still is a child. Surprised he is not wearing diapers.
  12. Personally, I am lovin' it. More real than RLC. They really do make it feel like I am being a voyeur to them while watching them doing their personal sex actions. Great closeups too.
  13. She helps the homeless animals and one pathetic mutt while masturbating for voyeurs. Great mix. Whatever!!!
  14. Bonjour Anode - Paul is not someone that we can relate to, understand or accept as a person. Imagine having him as a friend - NOT. He looks lost in his own 24/7 surroundings. He relies so much on Leora but doesn't trust her 100% after all these years and ALL the love between them - 🤣. Maybe autistic but more like "fucked in the head" which is quite normal for a good portion of people circumnavigating through society. Worst part of all this - we can't understand how the fuck Leora chose Paul (the last pick or the bottom of the barrel or the after the "best before date" moldy cheese person).
  15. Paul comes across as an invalid by the way he washes himself, fragile person with sensitivities to the environment, physical issues that prevent him from serving in the military, doesn't appear to be able to be employable anywhere (perhaps why he supposedly chooses to be self employed with his own lucrative phone repair business - 🤣) and the fact that he has supposed health issues/sensitivities he is not a clean person (actually a lazy useless dirty nose picking unhygienic slob). He does not do his part to be a worthwhile productive giving helpful human being. He is riding the wave of pampered "generation of entitlement" millennials FFS!!! Leora and Paul are two opposites in most ways but are together because of their insecurities and inabilities. Paul gives Leora a purpose in life by allowing and making her baby him, serve him and service him. Leora loves and wants to do all this for Paul, the love of her life. Leora doesn't want anything from Paul but just him being with her (huhhh???). Paul is the MASTER while Leora is the Slave Woman. NOW THAT IS TRUE LOVE.
  16. Leora and Paul have one thing in common - both loners and even when they are together (unfuckingbelievable)
  17. Paul will only do the minimum with Leora. Paul only cares about himself and getting his next blowjob. Leora is the classic slave woman.
  18. When touching and rubbing the clit button it will ignite the pussy for an explosive lift off. Great closeup of her fingers touching her lovely pussy lips and clit.
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