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Everything posted by dougiestyle4u

  1. With respect tp Paul, I have concluded that Leora is completely gullible. gullible easily persuaded to believe something; credulous. "an attempt to persuade a gullible public to spend their money" "easily taken in, deceived or tricked, and too willing to believe everything that other people say"
  2. Combination of both - old times and new spoiled current times. Leora the doting Mom or slave woman while Paul living the life of "entitlement".
  3. C'est bien la seul chose qu'il caresse ! Leora is shit out of luck. The dog gets attention while Leora gets the creamy milk. Leora is Paul's slave woman.
  4. Sounds like speculation to me - 🤣. Even Paul doesn't know the love of his life or what she does outside the apartment - 🤣. Friends with benefits.
  5. This forum is about speculation so anything is possible. Perhaps a rendezvous with a girl, Denis, a different guy, a couple or a swingers group. Possible she pays for some action at or works for Czech Fantasy Either way this would satisfy all of her sex fantasies and horny needs.
  6. I sure wouldn't mind to wine and dine her pussy - deeeeeeeeeelicious!!!
  7. You both are lucky to have a great connection and such togetherness. Watch Leora and Paul during the day and their sex - so fucking damn brutal and no passion. With you two I see love, passion, enjoy nudity and the complete joy of sex. A couple so into each other and willing to share their private life. AMAZING, BRAVO, BEAUTIFUL!!!. What a natural and thankful treat for us true voyeurs as if we are spying on you. The surprise view of her face at the end of the last video of the first set of videos was a heart stopper. So gorgeous, cute and sexy. To me, she is definitely eye candy - mmmmm. DANKE, DANKE, DANKE.
  8. All recharging for their next strenuous activities - rest, recover. relax, rewind, repeat, recline, retire - whatever.
  9. If I want to see Leora kissing anyone this is my preferred choice
  10. Paul wears his Halloween outfit everyday - he is a child Zombie
  11. Russia's education system must offer a Bachelor of Arts degree in Laziness. Paul was the top student in his class by being the laziest and slowest of all his classmates. And it fucking shows.
  12. The stunned fuck should just go in a corner and jerk off so Leora can have privacy and peace and quiet to perform for her appreciative fans. Paul appreciates nothing but makes demands of his slave woman.
  13. NOW you went and done it. I am so jealous of all the sex fun. Both of you enjoy sex, are exhibitionists and take turns pleasing each other. I always get excited watching closeups of cock sucking and pussy eating - best bonding that a couple do together. The closeups are amazing to the point where I want to play with her her boobs and suck her nipples. Her pussy closeup sure makes me hungry for it and nice watching her hand feeling it up. All excellent videos and both of you are awesome willing participants that appear to get a big kick out of filming your nudity and various sex play. Love it and more than 100% better than boring RLC.
  14. Yes. I look at them and admire and thank them (under my breath) for showing off their naked body and more. I favor mature women but tour through quite a lot for ALL THE VARIETY. Even couples, lesbians, hairy and BBW offer an amazing selection. Leora needs to up her game since Paul has dropped her down several notches. For Leora, repetition is killing her appeal.
  15. When she looks directly into the camera it is a major heart stopper for me. It is as if she is exposing herself and showing the goods specifically just for me. The eye contact just adds to the connection and her saying "look at me, I am so horny, do you like?" FUCK YEAH. If she did more of this I would have to steadily clean my monitor and keyboard or replace them from the cum splatters. The closer she is to the cam when she looks directly into it makes me say " sonofabitch, you are killing me here". She does an excellent job "working" the cams for optimum viewing. No one does this better than her.
  16. And that is exactly why it is difficult to avoid Leora. When I watch her and want to close out I can't do it or scared that I will miss something different or I just don't really want to because she is the best overall for RLC. As a voyeur and pervert, to me, she does everything right (except too much repetition). She is a fucking magnet.
  17. She does have nice nipples and do get rather hard and a bit bigger when she is excited.
  18. Leora should do a cum walk or public facial for the cams and her paying public. She should leave Paul's cum on her face (maybe even spread it over most of her face) and not wash it off but parade around the apartment while wearing it. Would be curious to see Paul's reaction to her doing it. Leora does like to advertise or show off the fact that she loves and eats Paul's cum.
  19. We know Paul is weird but something is definitely not right with Leora. Leora's life involves two opposite directional pulls. The RLC cams pulls her in one direction which is that of an exhibitionist who masturbates daily for subscribers/viewers while Paul pulls her into the opposite direction which is an abyss or stagnant shithole of a life. Just an observation and my opinion.
  20. Can't remember seeing it but does Paul spend any worthwhile time playing with Leora's boobs or even bothered to suck her nipples to excite her? He is just a tough watch even for a minute.
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