Could be worse. A few minutes ago I tuned in to Desiree and Raul's bedroom cam. She was working a vibe. Problem is what has been seen cannot be unseen!
I love how Irma's all sprawled out on the recliner; kicked back, mellow and cool. Everybody else seems a bit uptight but not Irma. She always seems to just go with the flow.
Hey! Anybody besides me wondering how they're gonna clean all this crap up in both rooms and get the smell of pussy juice outta the air before blondy or Kristy get's up? Or if they are even gonna try?
Shit! they ran Kira and Nina out an hour ago. I ain't never seen those two carry on this long.... But it would be fun to see the four of them together..
They oughtta give Heidi and her friend the big bedroom in B2. Now that is what I call "best friends" Bet they are alot better friends than Nicole and Estelle..