Yep, Sex at Dasha and Demid's with the guests and the cams go down.I remember the first time I saw Irma and she was just starting to masturbate and the cams went down. Same ol' RLC.
I credited the change in attitude with Irma. She always starts a party and cheers up any place she is in. By far one of the best RLC has ever put forth. and in the 2-years or so I have been viewing RLC, my personal favorite. Rock on sweetheart!!
Naga, Harley, I've given the issue of Michelle and the misogynistic goof some thought and I'm wondering if they may or may not be brother and sister. The are certainly not a couple and the way he treats her, like when she made his meal the other night, it's almost like an older brother or a European brother would treat a sister. Either that or they are ex'es. Either way, he is still a clumsy goof when it comes to approaching women.
It appears to me that Nicole got a bit frustrated and then tired of her boyfriend last night. I wondering if "Don't be here in the Morning When I wake up" May be the song of the day here...
Did I even mention any special viewing for members? I simply stated RLC needed some new girls in B-1 and B-2. Do you have something against members? I have no beef with non members.. I think maybe that petty jealously you're exhibiting may be a bit much. Take a chill pill and relax dude. That is unless you are looking for a flame war. Then I suggest you visit the location in the forums that are set aside for same.
I'm just wondering.. Has anybody seen Karol take a bath or shower since she's been in B-2? I mean have I missed it or is this one stanky girl? Perhaps she is so modest she leaves and finds somewhere outside the apt. to bath. Anybody else?