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Everything posted by mic351

  1. Well, since my wife just had surgery, I've got tomorrow off, and my store's down until Monday. I got nothing else to do besides sit here and bitch and watch this and the WSHH Fights...
  2. It's either gonna be completely dead or a whole lotta boikin' gonna be going on tonight. I'm afraid that balcony may get a hell of a work out.
  3. I'm not sure the girls are happy about all these guys. They seem a bit restrained. What do ya think?
  4. I didn't know who the other guy was but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't really make any difference. We're all sitting here with our dicks in hands waiting...
  5. But then they both started licking her nipple so I may be wrong. I was wrong once before: back in 1993 and that's when I thought I was wrong...
  6. I'm pretty sure the guy that licked her nipple is her boyfriend. He certainly not a stranger..
  7. Couldn't have said it better myself. It is never the wrong time to do the right thing. Insult or starting rumors relevant to these women is never the wrong thing to do. You can argue RLC's policies or what you pay, but these women don't owe you a dam thing. You are a guest in their home. One should try to act like guest.. If you don't like it, go to another home or complain to RLC (as if that will get you anywhere)
  8. Well guys, it was real. It was fun. It just wasn't real fun. I gotta work tomorrow. See yaz all later.
  9. Carolina's out. I think the night is about over... It's 6am there... BTW, anybody know the jam they're listening to? I really like that tune..
  10. I don't know. Lola looked pretty open to me when she was sitting on Carolina's face and shoving the blanket out of the way...
  11. I noticed they have moved the couch bed over and put the table in view. Wonder if this is temporary or permanent.
  12. Who really give's a rat's ass whether fucks with or without panties. I mean I'm sure that this is a conversation and debate that will have world wide implications.... sheeesh!!!
  13. Well, we can all talk shit and give advice but the simple truth of the matter is; he's hittin' it and we ain't!!!
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