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Posts posted by mic351

  1. Just now, StarLight28 said:

    Against the USA, all eyes must be kept open! In the past, US A and C weapons have caused more disaster

    assumed for the world than from China! Don't always point your finger at others.

    The United States is as unbelievable as China. Where Corona has its real origin is without proof. It doesn't have to be bats and snakes.

    Humans have lived with animals for many 100 years - and nothing ever happened there.

    I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist and I'm also not much of a scientist.  That being said I do believe this is a case of a virus jumping from animal to human and was unintentional.  I further believe we'll see more of this as man continues be encroach on nature and certain animals' habitat.  There's a price to pay for mans' arrogance in regard to climate and habitat and I think we're only seeing the beginning.  

    So do I believe China withheld vital information regarding their outbreak?  Absolutely...  Do I believe the USA completely dropped the ball in preparation for the coming pandemic?  Absolutely...  However, right now is not the time to be running around playing politics and blaming everybody and their mother.  The fact is we are in the middle of a highly contagious, deadly, virus for which there is no vaccine.  Covid-19 don't give a rat's ass if you are Conservative, Christian, Muslim, Liberal, or even a fucking Druid!!!  Can't maybe we put our bullshit politics and religion aside and come together to fight this dam germ??  Sheese people, talk about having priorities in the wrong place...😵:huh:

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  2. 9 hours ago, ze81 said:

    It seems almost shocking you see so many people,guests in th houses,one have right now ten persons in it,so usted to rlc nowdays having almost no guests and just naked girls in lame shows and so few couples in cams,no doubt if you want to watch real,life in cams and have some diversity of houses and couples..VHTV is the way to go.Saying this as sub of both sites.Dont get fooled with the same crap excuses..that if you want to watch real life in cams then Rlc is the way to go..that's a big ass BS!Even if you want to watch just regular couples VH is better,with more diverse couples and more houses of the style.

    Could not agree more Z.  I'm going to cancel my sub to Real Lesbian, err, Real Life Cam.  Boring is all I can say..  Good equipment, pretty girls, lame action..  Technically VH sucks but at least it has some action...

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  3. 15 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

    😁Huh? You have still problems? I am not watching right now. The only realm I had problems with today was realm21.

    Nah.  It's running ok except for the videos which won't load and that shitty living room cam 3 in Sophie and Dickhead's errr, Krill's place.  I'm just blaming you for the problems over the last two weeks.  Hey! Gotta blame someone right?😁

    • Haha 1
  4. I think there is no coherent plan for couples of singles at VH.  More like throwing s**t against the wall land seeing what sticks.  Or throwing participants in apartments and seeing who sticks around.  Regardless of looks, amount of class, or cleanliness.  As long as they are copulating, VH is happy.  *sigh*.  So much wasted potential. 😢

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  5. I have to be honest with you  guys.  I am not sorry to see them go.  Yes, the apartment had some action.  Yes, Leloo had a smoking body.  Yes, she was as ugly as a mud fence and not only did Corbin look goofy as hell, he acted goofy as hell too.  While I enjoy the variety of participants; It's almost as if VH is throwing shit against the wall and seeing what sticks.  I know this is not a job Kate Upton would want to hold but it seems to me that there are more than one good looking couple that would have an exhibitionist streak in them.  Am I alone in thinking like this?

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