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Posts posted by mic351

  1. 2 minutes ago, TBG 150 said:

    He was on suicide watch from day one. No inside deal here. His living would be a worse hell for him. Someone may have conveniently turned their heads when they were supposed to be watching the cameras, but that's about it there.

    Not so TBG.  He was taken off suicide watch days before his death and his cellmate was moved out shortly or a few days before this incident.  

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  2. 7 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    With the Security Cameras in all the Jail and Prison Facilities it would be hard for someone to go into a Cell to Ice Someone and slip out unnoticed.

    Unless the cams were turned off for a few moments.  There is a statement going around that Barr secretly visited the jail the day or night before the perv was found dead.  True or not I wouldn't put nothing past Barr or Trump.  We know Barr's father hired the perv at  one time and we know the president is a predator so I would not be surprised to find a conspiracy here; and I don't mean with the Clintons.  Indeed,  Drump's retweet may have very well been an attempt at deflection; which we know he does all the time.

  3. 16 minutes ago, StnCld316 said:

    Looks fine to me.

    Well, I guess I'm blind and dumb friend.  I saw no leaked celeb and I have absolutely no idea what the heck he was writing about.  If I missed something I apologize for my lack of awareness..:confused:

  4. Well, I figure that when you are under cam 24/7 there has got to be a lot of stress.  Also, when you are in the lifestyle, whether it be soft or hard, unless you are really mature and smart, there is always gonna be a certain amount of tenseness. As good looking as this couple is, neither of them seem to be mature and even handed enough to handle this kind of a lifestyle and/or relationship.  So, if they don't quit or get kicked off by VH, one can expect fights and problems to occur frequently in this apartment.  Indeed, the abuse may get steadily worse on both sides..  Too bad to because Leonie is absolutely fricking gorgeous..

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  5. 25 minutes ago, squish said:

    Make the most of it as that is the sum total of excitement here tonight. A pity as she has a lovely figure.

    Yeah, she sure went from Hero to Zero. She must have a husband or someone who has access to VH and doesn't want her to show.  I remember when she would visit Jeka and she was always ready to go..  It's a shame.  A downright shame I tell ya!!!

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