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Everything posted by mini2012

  1. maybe it's an experiment like as we see with kristy with the boyfriend , it was also nothing
  2. Captain Iglo can go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a lazy man
  3. the others are the same , ipad and phone , that's the only thing to look at so boring appartment !
  4. Hmmmm , Anna was yesterday at my home , she is just there to wish her friends a Merry Christmas , then she come back to me <3 <3 <3
  5. nothing happend :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
  6. she 's better with her clothes on !!!! :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
  7. Hmmmm , that massage was just to pay attention end to get the most viewers thats all they needed , Nora gets a massage she is dead now !!
  8. What is it that you can keep posting all those useless things
  9. Take a membership that will cost u less !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You do know how stupid you sound right ?,I already got a membership,I was just watching the action from the wrong angle,So think before you open your mouth next time Newbie. :o :o Wow Mike , maybe i'm a Newbie but i know how i can see all the angles when it's needed !!!!!
  10. Take a membership that will cost u less !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. i don't know what is the reason of this board , if you pay , you can see movies and pics and if you post something u be banned from RLC ho is posting the pics and video's then ? so in my eyes everything here is fake and just a way to banned the members of RLC
  12. i used the feature below to post the pic , and removed it my self , there was no code visible on the pic , i dont have to look for removing or blocking cookies , because permanently banned so i cancelled the membership
  13. if you post here , your account of RLC will Banned !!!!!!!!!!! so better let them beg , i posted only one pic yesterday , account banned !!!!! so better closed down that forum !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or is RLC the admin ??????
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