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Everything posted by rubberball50

  1. K.Lane... You left your ID visible on a couple of the images... ;) you can switch off the you can switch off the... ? :)
  2. Yomismo... As far as I know, she did nothing but play with her phone and then go to sleep. I was not viewing her constantly as I was busy with other things at the same time, so it is possible I missed something.
  3. K.Lane... You left your ID visible on a couple of the images... ;)
  4. I didn't see it. Nelly has my mind occupied for the time being. What photo shoot? :( Damn, Nelly's got to take the blame for me missing it, too. :)
  5. I believe that whenever they realize that RLC takes the apartment for maintenance, they just figure they are free to go enjoy theirselves outside. The fact that we can see a picture of the apartment does not mean it is operational.............probably just a static pic with the current time overlaid . Meanwhile, they are doing some type of maintenance . P.S. Notice that the chair appears in it's proper position in the static display. If the apartment goes down for maintenance (cameras off) it means that the girls have returned and things will be back to normal . Yeah and the sounds are also an overlay. Even the shadow of the sun moving across the wall in Ritas room is also an overlay.. Maybe the sun is in on it? :O Sigh.. Conspiracy theories is growing by the minute here and to be honest I am growing more tired of the whining in here than the "lack of skin" in the apartments. Some people calls for a "revolution" of some sort to try to force RLC to change.. We are but a piss in the ocean compared to the wider viewing audience! Pay for it and watch it as it is or don´t.. Simple as that! Whining... pfft.. Ok mr RLC. If whining bothers you dont read and dont bother to answer to all the people "whining". Unless you are one of the owners of RLC i see no point in being ironic towards other members. I couldn't agree with you more Giovanni!! I believe Daryalok is part of RLC, the way he is constantly taking up for their sorry asses!! I believe there is a bigger audience of CC members than one might believe and if every one of them stood for what's right instead of putting up with the constant crap RLC is providing these days, I do believe it would get their attention!! I'm done with them, it's up to you all to make a difference!! LDD, Giovanni, Slider... you all really think that RLC puts up static images? and if I say I disagree with you... you'll believe that I'm a part of RLC? Proof! Do you have any proof that the images are static or is it just disappointed RLC members talking? I, too am disappointed that Milana gets dressed behind her closet doors and I'm disappointed when they spend most of the afternoon and night (my best time to view RLC), but I'm also disappointed by CC members who make unsubstantiated statements and then have others view those statements as the truth and make negative remarks about those who disagree with the unsubstantiated statements. So, is there any proof that that RLC puts up static images?
  6. Nora packing a suitcase... wonder where she is going. The possibilities are endless... recalled to the RLC offices to explain the discord in the apartment... visiting Kiko because she doesn't want him to see Milana... going to a hotel so she can get some sleep? :D
  7. Feelin' a little lazy today... :)
  8. The video thread has been recovered. I went to the attachment center to find it and sent it back to its proper spot. The Nora Rita and Jenny board is still there. Thank you, StnCld. :)
  9. Do you do missing topics, too? Because there's one that's gone missing in the Nora, Rita & Jenny board. The Nora, et al & Kiko videos haven't been seen for a couple days now... and I'm worried about their welfare. Thank you for your assistance, Mr. Sheriff. btw... nice to have you back. :)
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajJBmcuzktw
  11. B. B. King has passed away... he was 89. :'(
  12. An appropriate location for this song... :)
  13. The Nora...& Kiko videos have disappeared. I hope it's only temporary, and will be fixed by the mods/admin. Thank you. :)
  14. It is her. I think some members have been praying to the god of voyeurs for her to get an apartment of her own... Our prayers have been answered. ;D
  15. Which means he only beats her twice a day. ;D ;D ;D and he beats her with his dick... which he did 3 times tonight. ;D
  16. Uhhh... Mr. Squirrel... #864 - El Paso (Texas) from woodworker... #826 - Tillsonberg (Canada) from StnCld... not to mention #856 from StnCld which mentions hundreds of cities (3 continents worth... maybe). ;D Maybe you ought to visit the Juke Box a little more often... and stay a little longer... I think there's a... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyK7q2nvfP4 :)
  17. chiller.aquarium... I'm a little late to this section, but I see that you're responsible for most of the posts here. Thank you. They are outstanding! :)
  18. WOW....where do y'all find these pictures??? Darkman is asking who does it look like. :D And it certainly does look like Rita... but I don't think it is. I think Rita's tits are bigger. ;D If you blow the picture up it looks like Rita. We'd really be certain if there was a good picture of her ass. ;D
  19. WOW....where do y'all find these pictures??? Darkman is asking who does it look like. :D And it certainly does look like Rita... but I don't think it is. I think Rita's tits are bigger. ;D
  20. Cuando El Diablo no Hacer Que Nada Tiene, mata moscas con el rabo. To piss off Rita...
  21. woodworker... Acker Bilk was very nice. I think I'm going to have to acquire some of his work. Learning more about him, I found this... a favorite song of mine, done wonderfully: :)
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