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Everything posted by rubberball50

  1. maddogusa48... you are aware that no one has an active membership right now. Admin has stated "had to perform a server restore which appears to have wiped out the paid membership group. I will get this fixed as soon as possible. Thank You." We're all anxiously awaiting the return of our memberships. :)
  2. Agree.. any progress report would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!! ;) Admin posted a little after midnight today... http://camcaps.net/random-discussion/paid-memberships/#new
  3. What rings? the rings she's been wearing! You can clearly see on some of the photos and videos I assume English isn't your first language but in England and the US the finger closest to the little finger is called the ring finger and girls usually only wears rings on either the right or left ring finger if the are engaged/married, I believe it's the same in Russia. I've read on here before that Russians wear their wedding ring on their right hand. I notice the ring is on Leora's left hand. Personally, I think you're reading too much into Leora's lack of ring when she goes out. :)
  4. Or... maybe... she just doesn't want a video of her having sex on the internet.
  5. I can believe that about Nora, but I have a little difficultly believing it about Kiko. He just doesn't look like a sharp tool... he looks like too many things have to be explained to him. He's been seen writing code. He knows photography and theater operations. He's not a stooge like many of the other dudes have been. There's no big hidden secret here; likewise Paul is far more intelligent than the casual CC member imagines. Plus, Kiko drinks decent red wine, hangs with literary people, never beats his woman, doesn't get drunk and disorderly, and treats his woman with respect. In return, she doesn't chase him around with scissors and knives, she doesn't play around with other men on RLC, and she loves him. I consider these qualities to be virtues, especially when it happens at RLC. We've seen some real losers here on RLC, but N&K are not in that batch. Thank you for the information... and altering my opinion. And I agree that he treats Nora exceptionally well. :)
  6. I can believe that about Nora, but I have a little difficultly believing it about Kiko. He just doesn't look like a sharp tool... he looks like too many things have to be explained to him.
  7. Sounds like a song title... like something Stompin' Tom Conners would do. ;D
  8. StnCld... getting fancy with your images... rounded corners and shadowed borders... very nice... and always appreciated! :)
  9. Nope... it's not just you... me, too. And, I think just about everybody is no longer a paid member. So, until paid memberships are updated/fixed/reinstated, the attachment center's going to be unavailable. :)
  10. I'm not a paid member anymore, either. Maybe when we're returned to paid membership status the Attachment Center will return.
  11. I assume that the only difference between the posts is the age of the Tokens. And since you've already refused to listen to the song twice, I feel the need to know how you feel about this version... :)
  12. Enlighten us as to what they are saying. Yes... yes... please enlighten us...
  13. No, not a burn. It's a bruise. Soft flesh + hard object = bruise. She must have teased him real good to get him hard enough to leave a bruise... ;D ;D
  14. Outstanding picture, JD007! And yes, I agree... Rita's ass is definitely a 10. ;D
  15. She looks so fierce in these... but he doesn't look worried. ;D Nice images as always, magician. :)
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z9wd9bS1FM :)
  17. No, she is still out. She must be having a good time. ;)
  18. LDD... Sad to hear such bad news. My prayers are with you and your family. You've always struck me as one of the most optimistic people here on CC, so I hope you can maintain that kind of an outlook. And, I hope you scratch off all the things on your bucket list... and then some.
  19. ARMY SNIPER had a post in the Nora thread... Just had to post this... and this... because of that. :)
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