Is your name a pseudonym for "Kiko " ???
You know... you not being a CC member... has caused you to miss the images that marcusking posted with his comment. Perhaps, you might want to take notice if the CC member posting is also a paid member... that way you won't misinterpret a poster's comment.... and make an undeserved comment.
I believe he got taken care of. When I clicked on the user name for the post, it doesn't direct anywhere.
And ALL of the spam posts are gone, too... unlike when someone is simply banned.
My thanks to the Mod (or maybe Admin) who so nicely removed the offending individual and his posts.
euromike... about joining CC...
And, I have read in a couple posts that the Giftrocket transaction is quick and easy, but it does cost $2.60.
It appears that a CamCaps member has decided to... spam... the forum.
hdeler90 has posted the same youtube link 38 times today, starting at 5:37 PM and ending at 6:07 PM.
I hope the appropriate measures are quickly taken to prevent this individual from clogging up the form with nonsense any further.
kzsjzkdjs... you've got code dots in your image. You might want to delete it.
Hate to see you lose your account.... I look forward to your excellent images.
Appreciate the effort but too many pop-ups/spam using Chrome.
Howard... use an extention (I use Ad-Block Plus) with Chrome to stop the ads and set Chrome to block pop-ups... and scroll down to find Ad-Block Plus... or any ad blocker you want.
For the Pop-Ups... go to Settings, then Advanced Settings. And then go to Privacy and click on Content. Scroll down to Pop-Ups and mark the "Do not allow...".
Face painting fun... maybe she's trying to improve his appearance. A red rouge look on the cheeks isn't his style. ;D
But I bet they have sex later because of it. ;)
I first saw this yesterday, although the bad script may have been inserted earlier. I don't remember what was on 108, but more importantly people are hacking into the site. Are you listening Mods? Admin?
I see it, too. I've posted a a message in the Read Me Section to help get Admin's and the mods attention.
Excellent discovery, Prodog...
Prodog has discovered a redirect within the forum. Please go here to see his post: