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  1. Let me get this straight.....you PAY MONEY to watch people halfway around the world have sex in the privacy of their home.....and your bothered by a sweatshirt she's wearing? Mind. Fucking. Blown.
  2. DO they do anything besides walk around topless? The most sex-less apartment on RLC.
  3. Stesha is fucking GORGEOUS. Best looking chick I've seen on RLC, ever. Yes....including Leora.
  4. Don't say that! You're just a troll with a small wiener because you don't like JoeyBallBags seizure inducing, CineMax techno sex!
  5. Literally the exact response a child would have. Calling people "wieners" and "trolls" because they don't like something? Grow up, kid. You come off as the least "adult" person here.
  6. DO these chicks ever get laid or do they just cook food naked all the fucking time? Most worthless RLC apartment ever.
  7. What the fuck, man....this isn't an audition to work for Brazzers. Just upload the video without the bullshit.
  8. Thanks for explaining how a condom works for all of us still living in the 1800's.
  9. Probably because they don't give a fuck what YOU think. How's that? Look in the mirror and worry about what you see looking back at you and not what a complete stranger from the other side of the world looks like on your computer.
  10. wow, you're clever. - said nobody over the age of 7, ever.
  11. wow...you really aim for the stars. Set the bar in your life real high.
  12. You know the Internet is FILLED with places you can go find some people fucking if you need to jerk it that badly.....
  13. Cool story, bro. I can sleep easy tonight knowing this. Thanks!
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