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Everything posted by komptreyes

  1. I think Dasha has the best figure of all our RLC women. She is just sexy all over.
  2. Several people visiting them. I see Demid, Dasha and several others. They also have an automatic weapon. Maybe some sort of assault rifle, AK-47? Dasha is looking really nice, dressed all in black. Does anybody know when Dasha and Demid left their apartment?
  3. Polina cleaned up the apartment and put away the bedding that Egor had been using. It also looks like he is no longer living in the living room. I think she moved his clothes into the bedroom. Maybe she didn't want the new visitors to see him sleeping in a separate room.
  4. A woman's nipples will often get darker if she gets pregnant and a number of women will bleach their nipples, even though their nipples may be naturally darker. This may also be done so that darker nipples will not be as noticeable through thin or sheer clothing.
  5. Maya started some music a day or two ago and started dancing to it with a very playful look. She danced pretty good. Stepan gave a bit of a smile and shook his head (like he was saying "You're crazy"), so Maya left the room.
  6. I think Leora would feel worse if Paul did not show the same interest in her. She may show anger, but inside, I think she really likes that she drives him crazy (and us) with desire. Women like being desired.
  7. I've seen him using Morse code at least 4 times now. He could be sending messages to somebody else, or there could be a program that can receive and display what he sends, and then also sends messages for him to copy down for him to test and practice his accuracy.
  8. After a rant of several minutes, and only stopping to take a drink of water because her mouth was drying out, Curly finally finished saying what she wanted to say and walked away. Butch had been laying there taking it and after Curly walked away, Butch got up and turned out the light and went back to laying down on the couch for the night. I looked several hours later and Butch was no longer on the couch.
  9. When Rita's time with RLC is finished, I am going to miss watching her gargle in the kitchen for 2 minutes with salt water.
  10. He wants to show his friends that he is living in his own apartment and not living with his mommy anymore.
  11. I wonder if they have been given instructions to avoid leaving anything visible, or saying anything that could lead to us deducing where they are living.
  12. Rita was just on the phone with somebody, and it sounded like she was setting up an appointment to meet them. She spoke a little bit of English and some Spanish.
  13. If we study the time that sunset occurs over several months, we can determine about where they are located. It won't be a quick process, but it might give is a country or an area withing several hundred miles.
  14. Hector needs to act like a man instead of a little boy and then Suzan will admire him. He's not doing that yet. He acts like a little boy who is living in his mom's basement. She washes and cleans for him and he plays video games and watches TV with his unemployed friends.
  15. The reason that they might not be having sex is that they are afraid someone in their family or friends might see them on RLC and tell their parents that they are having sex before marriage.
  16. The reason that they might not be having sex is that they are afraid someone in their family or friends might see them on RLC and tell their parents that they are having sex before marriage.
  17. That's a different couple. They are not Polina or Egor.
  18. Plus, you could see from camera #1 that there was nothing being hidden from camera #2. It was just Egor sleeping.
  19. Closing the living room door may help to reduce the sounds coming from the outside hallway and make it easier to sleep. May also help to reduce drafts. Some people are just in the habit of sleeping with a door closed.
  20. Nora and Rita have both been downing a lot of honey and lemon. Rita was also taking her temperature with a thermometer tucked in her armpit.
  21. The kind of person who will not let a thought rest until morning is going to be the kind of person who demands things be resolved IMMEDIATELY, and they will want things to be 'resolved' in their way. You are never allowed to win. They feel that their way is the only right way, and therefore you can never win.
  22. In Alinas apartment at certain times if your on the hall cam you can hear the sounds of someone getting laid but I think it from the apartment above them. A lot of noise comes from there. It is unreasonable to expect RLC to put cameras on every single square inch of every apartment. That many cameras would be very expensive and wouldn't really result in much of any activity. You must also remember that these are regular people. They are not high security prisoners.
  23. I just saw the turtle still wandering around in the living room. Miss Cat hasn't eaten it yet, but she is still keeping an eye on it.
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