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Everything posted by komptreyes

  1. Maya appears to be trying to make a replica of a picture that she has. She is very carefully sculpting the torso, legs and arms in a material that appears to be some sort of putty or epoxy that she must cure in the oven. She also uses the Dremel tool in the bathroom with a mask and eye protection to protect her from the dust. Her doll making is very different from Leora.
  2. Trust is something that is very easy to lose, but it is very difficult to earn back trust. Especially when you have cheated on your spouse/partner.
  3. For many men, a wife giving her body to another man is the worst betrayal possible. It can make a man feel that her body is now dirty. He feels that she has the filth of another man on her. When two people get married, a woman's body no longer belongs to her. Her husband's body no longer belongs to him. His body now belongs to her, and her body belongs to him. This is how people feel. Our wedding vows state that we swear to remain faithful, forsaking ALL others. Even the Bible states this (1 Corinthians 7:4). When a man's wife has had sex with another man, he may feel that she is diseased. How can he know that she has not picked up some sort of disease? If she cheated on him, it is understandable that he might continue to shun her. For some men, cheating is unforgivable. For this reason, it is imperative that no man or woman should cheat on their spouse. If you do, do not expect any forgiveness. You broke your vows. You have damaged the relationship. You should have worked to make the relationship with your spouse better, instead of going outside of your relationship. All of the responsibility belongs with you. From now on, Diana should try to be the absolutely perfect wife (Proverbs 31). Maybe then, Efim will look past her betrayal and they can mend their relationship.
  4. If Kamila did any moaning, Nora would probably come in to ruin the moment.
  5. Nora has been sniffling a lot, so it is very likely that she has allergies.
  6. To ensure that the apartment is taken care of, they need somebody to be responsible for keeping it clean and ensure that residents don't destroy the place. It is most logical for this to be a person who stays in the apartment on a long term basis and does not change each month. This person probably also needs to ensure that they keep food in the pantry and fridge. If the temporary residents bought the food, they would be concerned about how much they paid when they are getting ready to leave, and they might expect reimbursement. It just makes sense for RLC's apartment manager to handle the stocking of food and other supplies and to maintain the overall condition of the apartment. This person would know who to call for plumbing or other maintenance emergencies as temporary residents would have no clue. It would also be good for this person to know the language and be familiar with the city and to help new residents get settled in when they arrive. Keeping one long term resident just makes sense.
  7. They might be going out onto the balcony to smoke cigarettes. I have seen some of the girls with a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
  8. They were all sitting in the living room today and spent several hours talking together.
  9. That sounds like a very logical assessment of the apartment and the residents. Nora may have an incentive to get the other girls to tone down their activities. She doesn't want us to like any of the other girls more than her because RLC may make a business decision and replace her with a more popular girl.
  10. Carina tries to act like a man, but she just acts like an ass. Most men would treat Curly a lot better, and would dress a lot nicer when taking her out. Carina tries to act like a thug.
  11. I wonder if we could get North Korea to host our videos. Let RLC do a takedown request with Kim, Jung Un.
  12. I like Kira (the petite girl) the most. She has a bit of a Winona Ryder look to her. I often see her kind of looking like she is sad and lost. She needs a confident man in her life so that she feels like her future is going somewhere. A good man would romance her and I think her mood would be much happier.
  13. It is quite common for Russians to leave a window cracked open to let in fresh air and that is why you will often see a curtain in almost all apartments blowing with a small current of air. Most apartments don't have a metered heating system where the usage of each apartment is measured. From the old Soviet times they have a central steam system and nobody cares how much they use. Without a meter, there is no incentive to conserve heat. They just pay a flat rate. My late ex-wife was Russian and I visited Siberia many years ago. When I brought her to the U.S., I was never able to keep her from leaving a window cracked open.
  14. What the heck does Maya have plastered all over her face? She has some sort of masque on her face. It's funny what you can get women to do and to smear all over their face and bodies if you tell them that it will make them more beautiful.
  15. That is a very adventurous cat. He has climbed up on top of the cupboards above the sink and likes to get on top of the cabinets next to the fridge if he thinks somebody is after him. He was walking across the counter after Dasha had been cooking on the stove and the cooktop surface was still hot. You should have seen him leap off onto the floor!
  16. WooHoo! Maya went underwear shopping and returned home with several new pairs of underwear.
  17. When Nora puts on her glasses, she has that really hot nerdy girl look to her.
  18. Although Microsoft is offering a free upgrade to Win10, I wonder what is their motivation? They don't really do anything for free. It must be to get you into a place where they can start charging you annually for using your operating system. Many operating systems are so good now, that most people don't feel a need to keep upgrading every two or three years and that means that Microsoft isn't making as big a buttload of money as they could. Office got so good that it did about everything that most people needed and so many users stopped upgrading. That is why Microsoft came out with Office365 (software as a service). They get to keep charging you every year and Bill makes another $10 Billion. They are going to start doing that with your operating system too. If you study the Win10 upgrade offer, they say that you will be able to keep using it for as long as that device is supported. What specifically does that mean? It means they can say that your computer is obsolete after a few years and cut off your updates.... unless you pay for an upgrade to Windows365. Then they will charge you every year to keep using it. Here is the phrasing from their site: "This is more than a one-time upgrade: once a Windows device is upgraded to Windows 10, we will continue to keep it current for the supported lifetime of the device –at no additional charge." That wording of "the supported lifetime of the device", means that they are leaving open the possibility to declare your hardware obsolete and force you to pay for an upgrade to whatever OS is new, and that will very likely be an 'operating system as a service' option which means paying them year after year. I just found some more info on their site: "Delivering Windows as a Service and a Free Upgrade to Windows 10 Today was a monumental day for us on the Windows team because we shared our desire to redefine the relationship we have with you – our customers. We announced that a free upgrade for Windows 10 will be made available to customers running Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows Phone 8.1 who upgrade in the first year after launch.* This is more than a one-time upgrade: once a Windows device is upgraded to Windows 10, we will continue to keep it current for the supported lifetime of the device – at no cost. With Windows 10, the experience will evolve and get even better over time. We’ll deliver new features when they’re ready, not waiting for the next major release. We think of Windows as a Service – in fact, one could reasonably think of Windows in the next couple of years as one of the largest Internet services on the planet." Their old business model is not making the obscene profit margin that it once did, so they are changing that model.
  19. There is also the hidden braille watermark that appears briefly every few seconds at random places on the image. They can decipher the code to get your session and IP address and then ban you.
  20. What secret room downstairs? They sometimes go out onto the balcony which is to the right and outside of the view of camera 1. They will often put on a housecoat or robe before going out onto the balcony. Sometimes to smoke a cigarette. They may possibly have a balcony upstairs too, outside of Nora's room.
  21. In a lot of cultures, it is quite normal for women to have a smaller personal space than in some countries like the U.S. I've seen this in places like Korea, where even the men often stand or sit right next to each other in a manner that Americans might think is very gay. However, that is just the norm for their culture. In many cultures, it is mainly the men that insist on a larger personal space and avoid being close to other men.
  22. One of the first girls to inhabit this apartment had a really bad job of plastic surgery on her lips (we called her Duck Lips) and I think she chose to leave early after reading the derogatory comments that we made about her. Either that, or RLC removed her because we didn't like her. I generally dislike any kind of plastic surgery or tattoos. I like a natural looking woman, except for some hair removal. Most women pluck their eyebrows too much and they don't look graceful and naturally beautiful. Some women need to pluck their eyebrows a lot to prevent the unibrow or cavewoman look (like Dasha, although I like Dasha. She is a very nice person). My second wife needed to pluck her eyebrows to tame them, but I think she did too much plucking. Eyebrows shouldn't be skinny or be shaped like a sperm.
  23. considering the waxing session at which we got this morning, the result will probably not please you ! :D I just saw Diana plucking again, and her eyebrows look like they are about half an inch long. Except for the hair on her head, she almost looks like a chemotherapy patient.
  24. How long will lesbians last when they don't have a man to yell at and blame for everything? They're in a very heated argument right now, with lots of screaming and yelling. Can anybody translate their Italian? Women usually say very hurtful things because they don't think before they speak. They are also not likely to let things cool down to save a relationship. Women like to 'resolve' problems immediately. Such is the life with a 'modern' feminist woman. I'll take a good old-fashioned woman any day. Somebody much more like Maya. She's a woman that a man could really love and trust.
  25. When Nora puts on some sexy music after watching Fifty Shades of Grey, she can really make washing dishes at the sink look erotic as she sways and grinds her hips a little bit.
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