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Everything posted by komptreyes

  1. The laptop is still broken. Butch wasn't able to fix it and now their the male visitor was looking at it. Did Butch really think that she's a computer technician? The male visitor is either Curly's brother or gay cousin.
  2. Adriana and Daniel are very much in love with each other too.
  3. Butch is in the dining room putting a laptop back together. I just signed on when she was putting the DVD tray back into the laptop and then she turned it over and put the screws back in the bottom. Butch didn't look very happy, so she may not have been able to fix whatever prompted her to disassemble the laptop.
  4. Do you think she will be Princess Leia for Star Wars Day on May the 4th?
  5. It looks like a Grecian gown, but it could also be Princess Leia for Star Wars Day on May the 4th. Either way, she is going to look stunning.
  6. That cat is a sadistic little bastard. He keeps jumping up on people's backs when they are sitting down and scratching them. I've seen him attack Blondie for doing something that he didn't like. He gets angry at her and gets revenge. They need to declaw him. I would put a shock collar on him and teach him some lessons when he tried to scratch the furniture or climb up on the counters. Using the cameras when a person is not in the room and shocking him would teach him to stay of whether somebody is present or not.
  7. Maybe Maya is creating a costume for the holiday.
  8. Somebody has moved the camera on the kitchen cam. It is aimed more to the left now. You can see less of the kitchen counter and the stove top where they cook.
  9. Maybe an RLC admin requested a private show, and now it's over. Or, maybe Jenny had some more parts replaced.
  10. It's a paid member on CC who ask for video ? :o Cuando lo pedí, todavía no lo habían puesto en el centro de unión, ahora ya lo tengo, gracias! Perdona, lo he visto escrito varias veces por aqui, ¿que es el centro de union? Gracias! Es el sitio donde se comparten prácticamente todos los videos y fotos que se publican, solo para miembros de pago. ¿pago de rlc o de aquí? me interesa RLC and CC are separate sites. Paying for RLC will allow you to see all of the rooms in each apartment. Paying for CC will allow you to see the videos and other files in the Attachment Center.
  11. UUGGGHHHHH!!!!! :-\ ??? YOU ARE SO WRONG!!!!!! This is Curly in 20 years.
  12. Other than that, what do you really think of cats? By the way I agree with everything you said the funny thing is: that's exactly why I love cats, they are independent and know what they want. American women are like cats. They want you to pet them and feed them, but they don't want to do anything in return, and they just want to do whatever they want to do. They have no loyalty.
  13. Some women think that they can get what they want by intimidating their husband, but some of these RLC women show that you can be very happy with your husband by being pleasant to be with. Most men will want to make a woman happy when she regularly returns happiness. Some women find it hard to even thank their husband for doing something, as they think it's his duty and he shouldn't need to be thanked. Yet, they insist that he thank them if she does something for him. She doesn't want to be taken for granted, but has no problem doing that to her husband. Men love a kind and cheerful woman. We love an unselfish woman. Dasha, Maya, Adriana, and this Blondie are not selfish, or mean. They don't criticize their husbands. They don't intimidate their husbands, and they are happy women. They never have fights or drama. This kind of woman is difficult to find in the U.S. American women are feminized and worthless. They treat their husband as an enemy.
  14. I read today that they have a big patriotic holiday around the 9th of May. It is called Victory Day. Ukraine is planning to change the name and date of the holiday because they are distancing themselves from Russia.
  15. In Sanper's exercise gif of Jenny, you can see that she seems to be playing more to the camera now, and she is very aware of it. You seldom ever see Rita or Nora glancing at the camera, but Jenny often glances at it.
  16. Those were nice pics Dermana, but you left your user code visible in the pictures. Using that information, RLC can ban your account if you have one. Even if you don't have a paid account, they can look at server logs for the IP address for that video stream and ban you by IP address. Always remove your user ID and don't post pictures that have the Braille code imbeded in them.
  17. ugly? wtf,which planet are u from? I too think that Nora is totally hot and she keeps herself in shape.
  18. They are not speaking Spanish. They are speaking Italian.
  19. I remember seeing a workman there. Maybe they should have hired a Polish appliance repairman/plumber instead of a Russian. Like the rest of Europe does... ;D Nina tried to fix it one day herself. She spent a good hour trying but gave up after she couldn't fix it. If they reported it to RLC they would likely get it fixed or get a replacement. Yet another reason that they need a man in their life. He might take 6 months to a year to fix it, but it would get fixed. Most girls spend too much time on their phones to be learning how to understand and fix stuff.
  20. What the hell is Maya doing in the kitchen now? She's got some sort of project hat she's working on, that has some stuff that looks like white fur and she's clipping and glueing it to a backing. Now she took it out onto the balcony to dry. It almost looked like she was making a Santa Claus beard.
  21. Don't confuse being shy with being introverted.
  22. What I dislike is that they allow the dishwasher to remain open and let the cat get in there and touch all of the dishes. Then, they eat off of those dirty dishes. They are constantly leaving dishes on the table and the cat snacks from them. Then the girls go and eat from the dishes again that the cat has been eating from. Disgusting.
  23. Dasha's cat is an evil little bastard and won't stay off of the kitchen counters. I hate a cat or any other animal in the kitchen. This is the worst cat in any of the RLC apartments. Several of the cats like to tear up the furniture with their claws. All of them get on the kitchen counters and would leave their fur in the food. You cannot trust a cat at all. They have no loyalty and the just do what the want to do. You cannot train them to leave something alone if they want to mess with it.
  24. From what I have seen of her, this blonde is always very lively and enthusiastic. She would really brighten up an RLC apartment and be very popular.
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