Is this curfew actually for businesses to shut down at a certain time or is for people to not go out. I'm guessing it's the latter so they are breaking no rules by going out if that was the case it would probably be Marshall law. I could be wrong, with out further investigation.
That's not true it was Trump who ordered it. I pretty sure VP doesn't have that authority. You might want to brush up on our laws if you want to discuss this stuff.
Who the hell let Hitler lite into the forum😁 What is nice is these foreigners can write all they want we don't translate and reply it's like they're talking to themselves 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Better yet put his ass on ignore and he will be talking to himself. 😁
Let's hope the low information voters get what they asked for.
It's not that are liberal friends are ignorant, it's that they just know so much that isn't true.