not all watch kamila on rlc shes russian and likes cum not in her mouth but on her ass or belly there are alot of american girls that dont like sucking dick or cum.
i think the day with jess layla and eric would of been good if eric would have not drank.and i dont think that will ever happend again as well as the foursome i would like to see layla and jess masturbate together like layla and angie were doing until eric had to stick around and angie had to go masturbate with the shower head.
thank god i only got the trial for three days tomorrow its over i got it thinking something exciting was going to happend and nothing good for the three days.
i blame layla and eric cause for me jess wanted to play but layla cant get off eric dick for five minutes to play.with jess or sam.the foursome never gonna happend if they keep doing this.
sometimes it does amy sometimes its just streams with the buffering bullshit.i had to do some research to make the buffering fast and make my internet faster.since then i have no buffering.
i wont be surprised if vv goes under and the residence from vv move to vhtv cause so far we have lina and alex from vv,alex and anna,we had nastya and now serg and boobies all in vhtv.
i dont really care about neither of these couples just bring back lina and alex they know how to fuck for more then 5 for me i dont find natasha pretty boobie is alright but the sex is the same thing they should try something new.just my opinion.