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Everything posted by Howard

  1. I saw that - a rare sighting over the past few weeks. But I don't think they exchanged one word/greeting. Odd....very odd. If this living arrangement continues (which I doubt it will for much longer), I am curious what type of girl Stepan would bring home to 'shtoop' and if she would resemble Maya just as Maya's dude resembles Stepan. One more thing: We know that Maya's sister would often spend a Friday or Saturday night sleeping on the couch. Therefore we know that at the very least, Maya has somewhere to go when she needs a sleepover (excluding whoever she may be shtooping). But have we ever seen a relative of Stepan at the house? I don't think so. Let's hope he has a relative or friend he can mooch on for a sleepover. Otherwise, dude either be sleeping with the winos or he'll have to shag a 360 lb woman just to sleep at her place for the night (cuz the dude has no game)..
  2. They both wore bands on their ring fingers. Married? Maybe. Possibly the bands were only a sign of commitment (or left over from a box of cigars). Who can tell with this generation!
  3. This is too funny (and somewhat pathetic). There's a fine ass in front of you and a dog on the sofa besides you. Who would you rather make out with? If you're Paul,.... Watch how Paul makes lover-dovey eyes to Eva the dog (let's call it dog foreplay). It will melt your heart AND you'll laugh out loud (as I did). (Image & Video Contents No Longer Available)
  4. Those wacky Russians! Let's recap: Maya and Stepan have been on the "outs" for 4-8 weeks (maybe a little longer) They barely speak to each other. Don't stay in the same room and have had no relations during that time and only seem to 'share' the apartment Maya bangs another dude (probably the 3rd or 4th time) who resembles Stepan. Next day, Maya leaves the apartment and Stepan returns to sleep (alone with his computer). So...they dislike each other but for what I assume are monetary reasons, share an apartment (the term 'share' to be used loosely). Maya didn't cheat - their (intimate, exclusive) relationship terminated a few weeks ago. Without a doubt Stepan knows she fucked the guy. He could be upset about it but only from the perspective of initially being wounded that their relationship was over (I felt the same a couple times soon after a break-up to find out my ex banged another dude). On a related matter, if you watch the video from the very start (to finish), you'll notice that their sex was all Maya-centric. She didn't blow the guy - not evenly a handy (which is a little out of character). Didn't touch his wiener until 15 minutes AFTER the banging was over and only for a few seconds. Indeed its very early in Maya's new adventure(s), but that banging was much about building up her self-esteem (that she's hot to other guys). Because the dude gave (and didn't get) attention, I don't think she's into him for the long term. *I* think she'll be 'testing the waters' for awhile w/ her new-found freedom.
  5. Maybe she has pity on you? She's doing the Lord's work staying with you so you don't end up in the dumpster. And are you sure HE is your son? Have you thought about maybe he has similar features as the the postman, UPS delivery guy or the corner drugstore pharmacist???
  6. Most people (especially 20-somethings) have no need for a pre-nup. They have significantly more debt than assets! And on a side note, if you get a pre-nup and your spouse has more debt than you do (and he/she defaults), guess who is now ALSO responsible for that debt?! #duh
  7. ...and now the morning after butt pics. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  8. Let me expand on that if you don't mind. Until the late 1960s/early 1970s, couples got married. Indeed divorce was not an options. I recall reading the divorce rate in 1965 was 19% (1 in 5 married couples got a divorce). Fast forward to 2017 and you have a 51% divorce rate (1 in 2 get divorced). And that's not taking into account from a percentage basis, there are less couples married and more couples living together than ever before. Today, marriage (or shacking up) are like sex: They've become casual - little effort is put into them compared to previous generations.
  9. Of what we know that encompasses the past 4-8 weeks, I highly doubt Maya cheated on Stepan. Why they stayed in the same apartment (platonically) for the past few weeks we may never know. Don't even know why they split but I doubt its because anyone cheated on the other. My guess is Maya tired of their relationship. He always seemed lazy to me while Maya likes to keep active. But we do know they had no relations, they were barely speaking to one another and they slept apart. What surprises me (and some of this is based on personal experience) is (and yes, I'm judging Maya based on what we can decipher) is how quickly she could sleep with another guy. I know after I split from a g/f that I had dated for a few years, it took me several months (maybe close to a year) before I was comfortable going into another relationship (sexually & emotionally; different that having a one-n-done bang). Clearly she banged this guy before and you can tell by their behavior its a new situation for both. Let's hope we see a different Maya that we (I) have seen the past 4..5 years. One that smiles more, laughs more and is a bit more open about who she is. As for Leora & Paul,...Paul, Maya has indirectly put you on notice (even though Leora & Paul's relationship is more deeply routed and was always stronger than M & S).
  10. With a big open umbrella I say, they all want to be American. Across the RLC or VH channels, 98% of the t-shirts worn have English and/or American-related graphics.
  11. When was the last time ANYONE as seen Maya laughing and being playful. Too early to tell if this is a long term relationship but for now, you can see its fresh. When the dude reaches out for her hand and she obliges, you know she's in 'like'. What I find interesting is, IMO, Stepan and Maya separated (their 'relationship stopped) 4-8 weeks ago. That she already shagged a guy a few times after being in a relationship for several years, that does say something about her (lack of?) character (and I am a Maya fan). Side note: I couldn't tell but is she still wearing a band on her right ring finger (as was Stepan)?
  12. If I had no choice but suffocation for my demise, this is how I'd want to go. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  13. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  14. Twice...maybe three times since the initial bang she's let him go down on her for a few seconds; only to push him off. I'm now seeing Maya in a different light. As if she should explore the S&M experience (I think she'd get off on it).
  15. Read the past few pages (before today). Its been implied there was trouble in paradise.
  16. Its a new relationship but definitely not the first boink for them. Also think she's a little tipsy.
  17. Ya know...she has drank twice the wine he has (she's been sipping from his glass). Either she'll fall asleep or loosen up a bit more.
  18. He's ready for round 2 (has been for 20 minutes) but she's been dissing his advances. Will she give in???
  19. Can anyone tell whether Stepan has cleared all his belongings from the apartment? I haven't seen the dog (which he brought into the relationship), so I assume he's history. But *I* don't want to kick him out unless he's already gone. :)
  20. I don't think she's foolish enough to cheat on him w/ the cameras rolling (unless its deliberate in which case, the relations WAS already over - she's just rubbing salt in the wound).
  21. Don't think she's cheating for a variety of reasons. But she and Stepan have been on the outs for weeks (as it appeared).
  22. I agree. Dude also is a little more slender then Stepan. Maybe....Stepan's brother?! That would make for an interesting story line!
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