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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Well, they're talking. Doesn't appear to be in an adversarial way but neither is it smoochie smoochie. Can anyone interpret? (Video Content No Longer Available)
  2. I agree with you on events of the past but they barely speak to each other now. Don't recall ever seeing them argue (even though Maya is (was) the "Alpha Male"). Rarely have they stayed in the same room the past few weeks. And again, no boinking since about May. Could you not boink your g/f or wife for two months - especially if you're in your 20s??? And I was just thinking...they haven't had any friends visit in months (remember they would have a small gathering on Friday or Saturday nights?). While I'm still baffled on their current living arrangement, everything points to evidence that they are no longer a couple.
  3. Stepan hasn't used his weasel on Maya in many weeks. They're on the outs - confident about that (....I think).
  4. I would think the legal costs pursuing a takedown order (if not complied) most anywhere on the planet are cost prohibitive.
  5. Does RLC always have to contact (or petition) the DCMA to begin the process or is it a standing order?
  6. More of Anabel. Kinda neat how her boobs jiggle as she 'strokes' the violin (link at bottom). (Video Content No Longer Available)
  7. But not all PNE's are weather related. I'm here in SoCal - most of the weather we have here is 75*F and sunny.
  8. PNE = Petruding Nipple Erection. This was a common acronym used w/ friends in my high school when a hot girl would walk by displaying her PNE.
  9. So....Maya sitting on the sofa (in panties w/ a guy we think she broke up with) prepping a syringe to shoot into Stepan's back (I assume she's giving him something similar to cortisone). Perplexed about these two more than ever.
  10. Only posting this photo as I think its cute how the cats have lined up looking at what Maya is doing (she's prepping a syringe to give Stepan a shot in the lower back - a convo for another thread). (Image Content No Longer Available)
  11. With various RLC surprises going on the past couple days, it's time for a musical interlude given by Miss Anabel. (Video Content No Longer Available)
  12. Leora has PNE (must be cold in the apartment or that "after sex" glow). (Image Content No Longer Available)
  13. I need to visit this apartment more often. (Image Content No Longer Available)
  14. Just when I thought I figured out what is going on with these two,... Both are now in the same apartment (it is evening local time) and they not only have spoken to each other, but shared a laugh. He's adding some computer hardware (new monitor?) and she's kneading dough. They are not as communicative with each other as we were accustomed to seeing. But if they end up banging tonight, it's time to throw the baby out with the bath water (as my dearly departed mother would say).
  15. Not to take away that he did fail at the new position, again, it wasn't an action we've seen from him before (what the adventure!). In the end she was satisfied. In fact, if you look at the video, I'm inclined to say with his help (manually), she had a helluva orgasm...because he helped stimulate her manually (slower) that as if she was bating. Accidental, perhaps. But she had a big smile on her face afterwards.
  16. There's a positive to that 'incident'. He tried a new position and was more involved. May not have worked out well but let's give him credit for advancing as part of the human species.
  17. I think Paul is aware of the Maya/Stepan situation. I haven't seen him this "involved" in quite some time. Even willing to try a new position (that was a fail). But "A" for effort, dude!! (Image & Video Contents No Longer Available)
  18. Let me put another spin on your remarks. For the past 30+ years, sex has become a sport for those under 35 years old. The culture they grew up in, where junior high school kids get blown or screw for the 'fun of it' has been embedded within them. The days when romance....emotions were the major reason to have sex are becoming few and far between. Nowadays, its very much "wham bam thank you ma'am". Just fuck or get blown, then return to playing computer games.
  19. Nelly is having such a good time she slaps her own ass. (Image & Video Contents No Longer Available)
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