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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Doesn't anyone here speak Russian? The past few days (maybe weeks), Maya & Stepan spend more time apart...within the apartment! He's on the computer and she stays in bed. She goes to bed early while he's on the computer and in the AM, he goes back to the computer and she's still in bed. Also, in the past whoever woke up first made coffee/breakfast for the other. It still is happening but much less. Stepan made himself breakfast today but not Maya. Something is going on with these two. I also don't think they've banged for the past week or two (even though she was away for a couple nights).
  2. Too long-winded to read (or understand). We're not in school, but less commas and more periods.
  3. and....maybe the pooch is hungry or had to pee? On a distantly related topic, a friend once told me his neighbor, well into her 80s, had a dog that was barking and crying for 3-4 days. Off site landlord received complaints and came by to see whats going on. Knocked on the door hard a few times but no answer. Finally, the landlord let himself in and was 'hit' with a bad odor. The landlord searched the apartment and found the dog's owner naked and dead. She was sprawled across the bathroom floor and shower floor. It appeared she slipped as she was getting into the shower (the water was still on) and hit her head on a grab bar.
  4. I don't recall the couples ever 'mix and matching'. They'd be in the same room but they won't change partners. With that said (and if memory serves correctly), what makes VH think doubling-up couples in the same apartment will make them want to share g/f or b/f?? Unless it is a matter of economics, I'm perplexed.
  5. Eric's been climbing a couple boulders for at least the last few months (that we know of).
  6. Leora bates mostly because she gets turned on by being watched (ever notice how she positions herself when she's w/ Paul?). Without Leora, RLC's revenue would noticeably drop. She's the Marylin Chambers, Linda Lovelace or Christy Canyon of RLC (old schoolers or adult film industry buffs will get the reference) Maya bates because she has needs (like most who bate).
  7. Not just as much, but everyone has baggage. Some have just a carry-one. Others have an entire set & a footlocker.
  8. Now that the air has cleared, here's my take on it all: It was a business arrangement gone bad. Josh & Silvia initially felt they were being paid too little. VHTV felt they were being compensated fairly. Looks like Josh, in an immature manner, decided to steal from VHTV in lieu of being paid little money. VHTV retaliated by getting their "muscle" into the apartment to set him straight...and that's when things escalated. Silvia...she was in the middle of it all. *I* think VHTV handled the situation poorly. Even though Josh may have had bad intentions, as an employer you must know who your employees are. Maybe it's common practice in Russia to strong arm an employee out of the house without lawful repercussions. But...these employees (house guests) come in with plenty of emotional baggage (IMO there must be emotional baggage if you're willing to have sex on camera and/or a body full of tattoos). Maybe they came from broken homes - whatever the reason these 'employees' (or independent contractors) are far from squeaky clean. Should it all have been on camera? Absolutely. Assuming these agreements have a clause for immediate termination, VHTV should have gone in, tell them to pack up and be out within an hour or two; and they should be respectfully escorted out of the house. These house guests have little belongings other than clothes. Packing up should take little time. Sad to see how it ended but from what I've read, it appears there is blame on both sides. But bottom line is it was a business transaction that came to an end. It just didn't end well.
  9. 7.3 billion people in the world. Cams are located in Russia. Assuming 400+ participate and/or read this forum. Not one of us speak/understand Russian.
  10. After reading the last 3....4 pages, what does Arthur (and his buddy) have to do with the situation. It seems this whole mess started with Arthur's arrival. I'm not ready to fully accept VHTV's explanation. Not saying it isn't true but something still smells rotten and there are two sides to every story.
  11. There had to have been a love connection (figuratively) between Arthur and Silvia. What else could it be that would piss off insecure Josh?
  12. So...I'm guessing Arthur and Silvia made a 'connection' (not sure to say that figuratively or literally), Josh got jealous and thus the crack was widened in their superficial (only sexual) relationship. Might not be true but makes a good premise for a soap opera or made-for-TV movie. Margo Robbie would play Silvia (she'd have to go 'brunette') and Ryan Reynolds would be Josh. On to a more serious tone, she is NOT happy.
  13. They aren't playing with the others. On a side note, I think they (and I) were happier when they were in the previous apartment.
  14. Maya was M.I.A. last night. Stepan slept alone. Tonight, Stepan is M.I.A. Hmm...what to think of this???
  15. I managed a quick service restaurant for a few years. I've seen stranger things when reviewing security cams. But my take away from that job is other than chicken (if you must) or a green salad, never order anything off the menu. Burgers, fries, chili, dogs - the things that sometimes happen behind the counter with these items that the customer isn't privy to,...eat at home.
  16. My prediction: As much as she smokes (I estimate over 1 pack a day), lung cancer before she's 35. SilviaSmoking.mp4
  17. Would you like sausage with that? T_20170714_T.mp4
  18. Granted - she's attractive as are most VH/RLC participants. But after the sex part wears away, I am more interested in their behavior. Whether it's a conversation, argument or a reaction from an event. While I haven't learned anything from how people bang, I have learned a few things from people's behavior (i.e.: More and more 20-somethings treat sex as a sport or activity - not an emotional exchange of love).
  19. I think many of you are missing the point. If you're hired by VH (or RLC or...?), you're hired to put your lives on display 24/7. If you're in the house, everything goes! People are paying to see your behavior (good, bad or indifferent). If a VH resident wants to keep something private, step outside the boundaries of the VH world. And on a related note, most of these people are PAID to stay home...stay indoors and be the 'circus animal'. Others have arrangements where they have an outside job (or school). So they are not contracted to be home during the day (or whenever). Now...if someone understand Russian and declares he/she knows what is being said but wont translate due to keeping their 'privacy', then that person is a douche. Why??? Because there is no reason to throw a carrot in front of the rabbit and say I understand what is being said but I won't translate. That's being a douche. He should just keep his mouth shut and not say anything. Bottom line: If you're on camera, your life is mine (figuratively, not literally).
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