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Everything posted by Howard

  1. Indeed! 99% watch her as a fantasy. I've said for many, many years I study the behavior. If what I say hits home hard, probably because many can relate. I was fortunate. I had two loving parents who raised me. And two sisters who were a pain in my side, but loved me nevertheless. Unfortunately since the 1970s, when children were having children and personal responsibility was replaced by government intervention, the family unit has diminished. And now two generations later, we have people on live cams with little morals, ethics, integrity and modesty. That's the world we're living in. Anyway, I'll continue to judge, continue to be opinioned.
  2. People are entitled to their opinions. I am no holier then though. But as long as one doesn't think with their dick, you can see various unfortunate circumstances in each apartment. You can tell those who will soon move-on (and if not, they are advancing either their careers one way or the other). Masha is lost. All the single girls - the day they leave the apartment, they're homeless. Probably each had rough childhoods. All pretty women who sleep alone at night (or hook up with each other). Same lesbian games Leora & Malia played. Go to VH, most are lost souls. One can only hope they get booted from their apartments and are forced to face the harsh realities of life and get a job. Otto & Lola are prime examples. Anyway, if it pisses many off that I judge, ya'll need to look in the mirror. It's pathetic that there are 20-somethings with little to no ambition. What's more pathetic is they are just a vrry small example of their peers who whose iPhones are more important to them then their modesty (or their future). I suppose one can say VH is their salvation: Where else would they go? For many, I blame their parents (somebody was either the sperm donor or gave birth).
  3. Get off your pulpit. We all judge other people. That I think she can do better then what she has been doing the past several years, that's more a concern that she leads the life she thought she would have at 30, and not be nekkid on camera. I'm more opinionated about her then others because you can see by her behavior, you can see by her appearance, she is capable of much more. If she had several piercings, several tattoos, an abortion scar. If she didn't care about her appearance. If she didn't keep a clean home. If she didn't do the basics that most people are accustomed to, being raised in a loving home, I wouldn't care You can tell those who are lost souls with no direction (most of VH participants). Not that there isn't hope for them, but they're in the late teens/early 20s and experimenting. Leora should have been done experimenting 8 years ago.. She missed the transition road for the next stage of her life and needs to get back on track.
  4. Other then superficially, , if you have a deep care for Leora & Malia, you need to engage a mental health advisor.. She's a fantasy - not reality. You will never meet her, you don't even know her (or her given name). You don't know her last name, you know nothing about her but her job - to tickle your wiener so you get a boner. ...and if there are much bigger things going on in the world, why are you watching her?!
  5. For 99% of you, the only thing you "care about" regarding Leora is she get nekkid and bate so you can wack off. You don't give a shit about her well being (saying otherwise is bullshit - everyone knows it). You don't know her. I don't know her. But if you don't see a life (mostly) wasted the past 10 years...a life whose growth has been compromised in the bubble. If you can't see that she (anyone!) would be better off as a contributing member to society then having you salivate at her tits. I see a life far from having reached her potential (and never will while in the bubble) You see her as a sex object (many pretty woman part of society are - they use their beauty to their advantage). She could be both, but not while on cam. Well,...we just have to agree to disagree.
  6. I'm confused....her work ethic is being nekkid and bating (or screwing) on camera. She bates 4-5x/week. Already too often as she needs lube a couple times a week to fulfil her obligation.
  7. Leora bated for obligation. She wanted to get it out of the way (how romantic & thoughtful of her) so she was free of obligations the rest of the evening.
  8. FWIW, as I stated earlier, Leora's mother gene was much stronger 9...10 years ago. It probably has significantly suffered as after all these years, it seems she doesn't plan her future beyond a few days.
  9. I gotta give another POV Max. She got the dog about 6 months AFTER she and Paul came to RLC. Getting a pet is often what young couples do before having children (practice w/ a dog). Several of my long time high-school and collegiate friends, once they married (none of them 'shacked' up), got a dog about 4-6 months later, and then were expecting their first child a few months thereafter (and they all still have a pet(s) in their households). With that said, she has damaged herself psychologically by staying in the bubble. I think she does not think of a way out (no long term plans). She's in a safe space. She's accustomed to no modesty and in return, gets a paycheck and roof over her head. On the flip side, let's recognize that after 10 years, Leora (and 98% of other RLC/VHTV participants), have not hung one picture on the wall. It doesn't have to be family pics. A water-painting of a sunset, a litho of a mountain scenery. NONE OF THEM think of their apartments as home (that, IMO, is very telling of their upbringing and current psychological state). The exception is....Nina & Kira (and I read somewhere they purchased the home they live in, if true).
  10. Bingo! Stupid, stupid choice, but hers to make.
  11. Stop being a woke knucklehead. Of course I'm generalizing. But the odds are very much in favor what I said is true. She doesn't come from an impoverish upbringing. Her upbringing might be different then most conventional means, but nothing that couldn't be overcome. She's doesn't have 10 piercings scattered through her body, not one tattoo, her body is clean (i.e. no scars), she eats healthier then most, she doesn't smoke, drinks very little alcohol. This girl should be a dreamboat for most males who are civilized. Army has nothing to do with her or my comments. This girl is smoking hot, with the exception of one BIG, major choice she makes for herself on a weekly or monthly basis.
  12. Doesn't have the maturity to be a mom (yet). She has locked herself away from society for 10 years. IMO, she is socially immature (not entirely), and hasn't dated for nearly 3 years. Social convention has escaped her because she remains in the RLC bubble, which significantly prevented her from living the life many 20-somethings do (and she can't get those years back). Based on what I've seen the past 10 years, she has much maturing to do before thinking about starting a family.
  13. Water slowing draining. Too tired to reach faucet for more. iPhone shows me pretty pictures. Teasing myself because it says so in contract. Flapping legs together to make bubbles and tease viewers. Hair in bun causing headache. Must relax more.
  14. Leora in tub. Relaxing. Hard day waking up, dressing, getting groceries. Bath bomb too heavy. Choosing options on iPhone too mentally straining. Need to relax further.
  15. My family has a saying: Facts are to morons like kryptonite is to Superman.
  16. The blow back are usually from people who do blow.
  17. If she is talking to Paul at length, then he hasn't been called to duty.
  18. You just squashed everything you said previously. Are you bipolar or just say what you feel at the moment?
  19. Donald Trump is a human being. Have you read what people say about him?! IMO, when you classify a cam girl as more of a human being then a fantasy, a psych evaluation is necessary. I'm not saying not to respect the carbon life form. But you DO NOT have to respect the choices she has made. And as an observer, you are entitled to an opinion about everything that surrounds her life choices.
  20. You're nuts! Would you watch her if she didn't get nekkid or bate? Of course not. It is very much in her agreement w/ RLC to to all the things we've seen, including her fake lesbian scenes w/ Malia; which BTW was a very well written script (as far as the weeks of teasing before they started getting very touchie-feelie). Also, you don't have to only like seeing her nekkid and bate to be a fan. I very much enjoy seeing her do the nasty things. But I'm also not a (perceived) self-centered, pre-pubescent little prick like you. After 10 years, she needs to move on.
  21. Yes, Leora chose to get nekkid and bate. But I don't think she thought she'd be in for 10 years. She & Paul originally signed up to save money so they can move on as a couple. Of course, life took a different direction. BTW, she's not getting p[aid nearly as much as we think. Its the shelter being provided that is a significant reason why she stays. I don't think her monthly pay would cover rent (in a place similar to where she is), food and clothing. Where she really FUCKED UP (IMO), is the decision to move to Czech w/o Paul. She chose the lifestyle vs love. Their affection for each other was no different from the 1st year to the 8th years (before she moved). Of course like most couples, complacency set it. But 2 1/2 years ago, she chose the lifestyle she was accustomed to vs leading a 'normal' life. She's in deeper then everyone thinks (as in psychologically scarred). For her, this is normal. She bates, teases the audience, gets a paycheck. She's done that for 10 years (doesn't everyone do this for a living?!?!) *I* think RLC will kick her to curb before she realizes the life she's living isn't a life she wanted for herself. It will take that kick in the ass for her to realize the time she wasted as she could have been (or can still be) a productive member of society, and have that life most girls dream of (settle down, picket fence, babies). Personally, I wish she would get ahead of herself and take back control of her destiny. Life is too easy for her and I fear she'll be in for a very rude awakening when she gets pushed out of the bubble. THAT is why I want her out of the RLC bubble. Better she leave on her terms (as she'll be more prepared to confront life with her legs closed) then on RLC's terms. One more thing: Much of the past 2 1/2 years on camera has been a life of lies. She's not a lesbian. But she'll play one for your enjoyment AND a paycheck. A close friend of hers (who we have never seen but I'm sure exists off cam) needs to slap her silly and make her realize she is letting life slip away.
  22. Let's take the physicality of the actions and set that aside for a moment. The psychological effect must be tremendous. SO many of you think I'm trolling because 75% of my comments have to do with wanting Leora out of the RLC bubble and start a "normal" life for herself. I could say the same for you: You just want her nekkid for self-gratification - you could care less about her mental state. You just want to get your rocks off. With that said, IMO she will have great difficulty adjusting once the cameras are turned off. She'll have trust issues. Getting into a relationship will be difficult. Making love (and not sex) goes along with her trust issues. She will have to re-learn that love and sex should be synonymous and not see sex as a means of income. She can remain an exhibitionist, but she will have to re-learn that behavior and not associate it with money. There's more to say, which will be said another time.
  23. She is 20 feet away watching a 32" screen. But she looks to be concentrating on something else besides the movie.
  24. A green salad and hard boiled eggs for dinner? Who cloned Leora and what have you done with the carbon life form?
  25. Hmm... Paul doesn't have the libido that a sex show via Zoom or SKype would make much difference. It wouldn't make much difference to Paul f he had sex 1x/week or 1x/month. Not knocking him - he just never displayed a strong sex drive. Besides, if they are now truly friends, it would be weird displaying your privates to your boy friend.
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