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Everything posted by Howard

  1. If she's going to stay in the bubble, she needs to interact with...someone besides her phone. Even w/ Malia, there was a difference in her behavior (excluding the fake lesbianism). For those of us who lived alone for a few years before finding Ms. Right, you're dying a slow death, which is what she's doing (especially the past 2 years).
  2. I don't think it's normal for a 30 year old to spend 90% of her time on the phone (whether in convo or social media). Often I don't think she realizes she's an adult who SHOULD have normal adult responsibilities. The RLC bubble can easily make her think she's forever 21.
  3. There are over 1,000 videos of Leora doing herself nasty. You are not missing anything you can't find of her on the internet.
  4. Bottom line is she needs to get on with her life and get out of the RLC bubble. 9+ years and really...has she grown much as an adult? Not nearly as most people would given her age and demographic. She needs to get into an emotional relationship. She needs to work (not bate for money). I don't think she has a close knit of girlfriends to socialize with (how often have we seen her on the phone with a girl?). IMO, once she leaves the RLC bubble, everything else will naturally fall into place.
  5. She also feels her face with the back of her hand after she bates. I'm just sayin'...
  6. Paul isn't in her past. She went to the Czech to make money bating for the cams. She may have exposed herself to her new surroundings (as anyone would). But as long as she keeps talking to Paul, its a great extent for Leora, "the more she changes, the more things remain the same".
  7. Jimbo4, Ever since she broke that third wall, they all have been dutiful bates. She broke that wall when Paul walked in on her bating in the old apartment, and she broke the wall (for the godzillionth) time) when she bated on the kitchen table. Being a voguer doesn't apply to this (or any) RLC apartment (and that's a problem). It's no different then Chaturbate, other then you don't know when the show will start.
  8. To clarify (and again, strictly for clarification), if she was banging on camera, you would have little left to complain about, correct?
  9. Will you and ddhm just kiss already and make up! Sheesh! 🥰
  10. Mr. Pink may turn a dark shade of brown (someone had to say it).
  11. Let me look at my transcripts from the past 9+ years watching (wasting my time, by choice) the 'girl in the bubble'. As I said, OGs know.
  12. OG's know. Paul has the sex drive of a dead pigeon. While they were under the same roof, I don't recall Paul ever bating. 95% of their sexual interactions were initiated by Leora. When Paul did initiate, it was embarrassing to watch. On the flip side, he did his best. Other then an emotional bond between them (going back to childhood), I don't think he brought much else to the relationship.
  13. Dude ain't a lady but the song is appropriate -
  14. I'll answer. Nothing is exciting watching them watch TV. It's the anticipation that something naughty might happen. In other word, someone letting their imagination get the best of their time.
  15. Let's do some math: Leora has been on RLC for 9 years. That is over 3,200 days. If, on average, she had sex or bated every three days, that's (conservatively) over 1,000 videos of her floating on the Internet for anyone to see her progression as a master-bater. No need to subscribe - there's plenty of her on the Internet to see.
  16. Remember the movie "The Truman Show"? I want her to pull a 'Truman'. Realize living in the RLC bubble isn't good for her, find her way out (mentally and physically), and never come back. Nine years in the RLC bubble can't be psychologically (mentally) healthy for anyone.
  17. You are really horny. Get yourself a towel, take care of business, clean off the keyboard, and we'll see you back in the forum in 20 seconds.
  18. BTW, the name on her apartment says LEORA. You're paying to watch her. Not paying to watch her and a partner. ...and she doesn't seem the type to sleep with any guy off the street.
  19. Her bating = viewership. She hasn't been in a relationship for 2+ years and her viewership seems to be doing OK. She's entitled to have a friend visit and watch cheesy realty shows.
  20. Or...these two are lonely and need companionship. Malia presence left a void in the apartment.
  21. Ya'll are posting fantasies you should keep to yourselves My opinions have changed the past 24 hours). Nothing is going to happen. *if* something happens, it will be off cam. Look at their physical behavior. They don't sit on the same sofa (or same side of the table). Leora isn't dressing proactively - she's dressed like he is a girl friend (i.e. Malia w/ or w/o the fake lesbianism). Dude is gay (probably not - just platonic). Her last bate when he was in the other room...she bated because that's what iss expected of her (contractually). Not bating while fantasizing of him. ...and keep in mind: Nobody bates as often as she does per week because she's always horny. Half her weekly bates are per RLC contract. If she was really horny, she'd get dick.
  22. WTH?! Who takes a bath with a guest on the couch?! Is there an RLC contractual obligation she's obliged to?
  23. Leora is a tough read at times. She invited the guy over. She is not wearing a bra. She's wearing shorts. She initiates most of the conversations (and carries the conversations). On the flip side, they are sitting opposite each other. Watching a game show/reality television program isn't what I would call foreplay. She isn't preparing dinner (or as yet, offered him a beverage). Maybe they will eat out, or get food delivered. ...and unless previously discussed, why is BT (boy-toy) recently making appearances and not when Malia was in town (he is not that new an acquaintance). If romance was to come, they'd be on the same couch (unless she wants him only for his equipment). And it's Saturday night!! Something has to be up (and not just his wiener).
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