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Everything posted by Howard

  1. As I write this, it's 11:40PM Sunday night, local time. Doesn't the guy have a job he needs to get to the next morning? We all know Leora's and Malia's job starts about now (with the occasional day off).
  2. Thank you. Ya'll shouldn't be so negative on the guy. And if nothing happens when he's around, holy shit - how often can you watch the girls bate??? Ya never know if he can stir the pot and something good comes from it. As for Malia, it seems she doesn't like him. Several frozen stares from her to him.
  3. In 2 or 3 sentences, will someone recap who the guy is, he is attached to Leora or Malia, and why the negativity on him?
  4. If you watched them long enough and study their behavior, most of the time you can correctly predict what their next action will be. In essence, knowing what they are thinking. Based on YOUR past behavior and style on how you post in this forum, it is easy to predict what your actions will be. Simple minds are easy to read.
  5. Ahh...but if I'm right just 50% of the time, I hit it on that mark with that post. That you need to defend your love and support of them by constant insults to many posts written in your opposition is unfortunate. You need to get out of the bedroom of the small apartment you live in, get some sunshine, socialize, start dating (whether girls or guys), and experience your own life.
  6. They are thinking they need to behave like lesbians in order to get free rent, a stiffen for food, and a few rubles in the purse each month. It's also a nice way to escape from real world problems by staying in this quasi-bubble until it bursts (or one loses their attractiveness; whichever comes first). Anyone have a pin I can borrow? How about one of Leora's crochet needles that she hasn't used in over two years.
  7. She's pregnant! There might be a li'l Tibor running around the apartment. Kid will be born with purple hair and tattoos.
  8. What's lacking isn't sex - it's passion. Even though Paul is a dork, what he brought to the table is passion. Leora's passion for him. It didn't matter he was a lousy lover, blank facial expressions, or a selfish lifeless carbon life form. It's the passion she had for Paul is what made the channel enjoyable to watch (and come back to). If Leora and Malia were passionate with each other, this channel would be at next level. People want to see sex with passion. Passion...caressing a loved one, kissing, stroking the hair, etc. Finger-banging each other (and never to completion), means nothing. Using a dildo once in a while is nice to see. But only if it compliments passionate encounters (which here it doesn't). For a couple years, this channel has no passion. ...and I am sympathetic to most of those who lust after either girl that enjoy what they have seen the past couple years. 95& of ya'll need to get out of the house and socialize with the opposite (or same) sex - whatever floats your boat.
  9. You must have been looking in a mirror when you typed that out.
  10. If you have seen early videos of her w/o 90% of the tatts she has now, she was much hotter then. Still looks good. But really looked good pre-ink.
  11. IMO, don't put much value in what anyone has to say about Leora's personal life. Nobody knows. Nobody. Enjoy her for the media whore that she is. - Drop a coin her 'slot' and watch her wiggle. - Drop two coins and she's roll her eyes, curl her toes, and think only of you while in the brief state of nirvana. - Empty your wallet and she'll also play the role of fake lesbian with her roommate (passion not included).
  12. Are you sure Bogdan isn't in bed with a man? Think about it. 😁
  13. Does that mean we get a holiday from not hearing from you? 😀
  14. You're being a jerk with your response. It is as obvious as can be there is no passion between these two girls. They are posers through and through. They may "love" each other as friends. But they are lesbian posers for YOUR money. Leora has been more passionate with her dog from a couple years ago then she has ever been with Malia - it doesn't take a PhD to see that.
  15. Does that include his video games? I doubt he'd part with any of them. 😁
  16. Ironic...I see Leora drinking (coffee or tea) from a cup that says "I'd rather be knitting". She should be drinking from a cup that says "I use to knit, paint, and read."
  17. I call as it as I see it. I feel bad for those who recently discovered RLC (via Leora's channel) and pay for a subscription expecting more. Instead, they get to pay for theatre (and not very good theatre).
  18. It's been a few weeks since I followed these lesbian posers. I was going to ask if they had kissed yet. I think you answered my question before I could ask it.
  19. I understand. You've had enough peckers and hairy balls slap you in the face. 😲
  20. Look back at videos with Paul & Leora. 95% of the time, dude doesn't even want to come in her mouth (and Leora is more then happy to oblige). He has to hold is pecker and be in control from start to finish.
  21. I disagree. Paul is fascinated with his wiener. He always held it when Leora would blow him. Even doing missionary, Paul had to get his hand involved. Generally speaking, I don't think Leora is any more controlling then any other woman confident with her body.
  22. Biden doesn't know what his own agenda is. Even taking into account that the election was rigged, that millions of people voted for the guy because their emotions couldn't handle "orange man', is disappointing. Intellectual blacks gave the nod to Trump. Blacks, whose either had their feelings hurt, or can't think for themselves, voted for Biden (because that is what lemmings do). It's those emotional (often low income-dependent-on-the-govt-for-free-money) blacks that will suffer most during the next 3.5 years. They have drank the Kool-Aid and the color is opaque (like the look on Biden's face whenever the puppeteer opens his mouth and turns his hands while the nearby ventriloquist speaks the words for him).
  23. It's the liberals that often attack (bully) using emotion as the foundation of an argument. Can't have a respectable exchange of thoughts/ideals (facts) w/o being insulted. Hence I'll speak my mind when warranted, and let the liberals continue to bully; using their feelings as a foundation for their position. No reason to respond to feelings because as moderates and conservatives know, facts don't care about (liberal) feelings.
  24. I'm gonna say this expecting backlash... If you're white and live in California, you're assumed wealthy and the state's taxes are targeted towards you. If you're African-American and living in California, the state pretends to be your advocate, but you've been replaced by Hispanics (Mexicans). Those emotionally (and not intellectually) stimulated when in the voting booth, is what democrats like. Why does the state favor (undocumented...illegal) Hispanics? Because...they multiply like rabbits and are reliant on government (more so then any other race in California). On the flip side regarding Hispanics who are legal and considered middle class, more and more of them have become republicans. They do not want their 'brothers and sisters' in the state illegally as they are a threat to their working class, legal (next generation) Hispanics. Of course, I'm stating several generalizations. But reality is the more ILLEGAL ALIENS that come into California, the more dependent they are on gov't and thus, the more control gov't can have over our lives. Because I am a successful, self-made white guy, is no reason why I should be targeted to pay for anyone's well being that has entered the state illegally. Why do successful people of ANY RACE get penalized for working hard, paying taxes, raising a family, etc. Health insurance has increased about 85% in California the past 5 years (annual inflation rate for California is 6%). The typical single person PPO premium was $403/month in 2016. It's now $747/month with a higher deductible for office visits and hospitalization. Trump's presidency was a revolution. If it wasn't for a combination of outright cheating by the democrats, a hateful media towards Trump, and idiot voters who voted eotionally and not intellectually, we would have four more years of a great economy. Not a shell of a man (who when he had his marbles, voted mostly against popular foreign and domestic policies), who has puppeteers in a closet telling him what to do.
  25. OGs may remember this. This is the video that ruined the fantasy for many (and thus as a spoiler, belongs in anyone's top 10).. We use to think that Leora bated without Paul knowing (at least we played along with the fantasy). In this clip, Leora went to the guest room (of the last apartment) to get her cookie. Just as she's receiving her cookie, well....download and watch. (Content No Longer Available)
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