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Everything posted by Howard

  1. WTH?! Who takes a bath with a guest on the couch?! Is there an RLC contractual obligation she's obliged to?
  2. Leora is a tough read at times. She invited the guy over. She is not wearing a bra. She's wearing shorts. She initiates most of the conversations (and carries the conversations). On the flip side, they are sitting opposite each other. Watching a game show/reality television program isn't what I would call foreplay. She isn't preparing dinner (or as yet, offered him a beverage). Maybe they will eat out, or get food delivered. ...and unless previously discussed, why is BT (boy-toy) recently making appearances and not when Malia was in town (he is not that new an acquaintance). If romance was to come, they'd be on the same couch (unless she wants him only for his equipment). And it's Saturday night!! Something has to be up (and not just his wiener).
  3. Often when people eat late night snacks, it can be a sign of depression.
  4. The way Leora worked on Mr. Brown, this may have been the last we saw of him. (Content No Longer Available)
  5. Mr. Brown makes an appearance (Content No Longer Available)
  6. It's a bate-off! What I find hilarious (yet sad) in this Leora/Paul video is he has more confidence and finds it more enjoyable jerking himself off than having a beautiful girl (who he loves) do it for him. (Content No Longer Available)
  7. Don't disagree. The culture in Spain is different than various parts of the US. With that said, he's a wuss. I can respect a house husband if there was a child he's taking care of. I'm more of a moderate conservative preferring the conventional man/woman relationship and responsibilities whose foundation goes back many, many generations (with caveats). He shows no ambition, no desire to make a respectable living/provide for himself or Martina. People aren't tuning in to see him. I see it as he's riding the coattails of Martina's sexuality. She is his sugar momma.
  8. Look at Alberto's behavior. Optics forms 90% of a correct opinion. Dude is a house-husband who has little ambition. Might be OK with some. I have no respect for those kind of men (if you could call him a man).
  9. Boo hoo...a boring channel because two people love and respect each other. With that said, I kind of agree from a voyeur perspective. But it's difficult to fault as these two have little drama in their lives (as all couples wish to have...no drama).
  10. Ya'll missed Leora's bate from a few minutes ago It looked like this (kind of) 😉 (Content No Longer Available)
  11. From an appearance perspective, Leora would fit in nicely in an upscale community. No tattoos, no nose ring, no tongue, lip (or labia) piercing, no wild hair color. I assume she speaks proper Russian (and her English isn't bad). I doubt she uses slang as commonplace when she speaks. Probably keeps her swearing to a minimum. She has shown proper etiquette, appears to put others' needs before hers. But as we know, appearances can be deceiving.
  12. Not sure where to put this nostalgic 2017 video of Maya & Stephan (hopefully the sysop will keep this post up for the next 3 days until the video goes *poof*). Found it on-line. (Content No Longer Available)
  13. OG's know that Leora swallows - always. Spitting is unsanitary.
  14. Sheesh! A long post. Bottom line: Leora desires (yes, she told me herself) the emotional attachment that comes with getting fucked (in this context, its not getting fucked - its making love). She's missing many things in her life - companionship is near the top of the list (again, that's what she told me). On a serious note, I never met any woman in their 20s through their 60s who are alone (from dating to being a widow) who don't seek out companionship. It doesn't have to lead to marriage. But the desire is for long term emotional commitment. All this nonsense you see on VH or RLC...lots of it is staged to keep you as a viewer - much of it are from 'kids' who have no direction in life. Keep that in mind when you're wanking. Wank to the fantasy knowing it isn't reality (but probably a small piece of pie..a reflection of a lost generation as it pertains to these characters). This dude may/may not be for her. But Leora does desire to get back into a relationship. And who knows - she may want kids and a stable family life (that, we didn't discuss).
  15. Hmm....could be a new way of taking her temperature. These millennials are always looking to do things different. Maybe she's checking the oil? For a 30 year old, she's put a lot of mileage on that finger-banger. Unlike Leora, I'm dry - can't think of any other (clever?) possibilities.
  16. Leora is on the cusp of being 30. Her body will hold up for a few more years, but the stress on her face will be evident the longer she isn't in a meaningful relationship. One should hope that (as I did at 30), she'll re-evaluate her life, make the necessary adjustments, and become a contributing member of society (sorry fanboys - bating for you on camera is the chicken shit out of being a contributing member of society).
  17. She abandoned Eva. What makes you think Eva wants her back?! I think Eva has been living a better life outside the bubble. Let's just hope Paul hasn't forgotten to feed her.
  18. As long as the Internet survives, 9 (or 8 years) is an infinity. She'll be forever bating for future pre-adolescent boys with no pubes to discover whether they are straight or gay (or binary - gotta cover those fucking woke idiots).
  19. People (sometimes myself) blasts/criticizes her for staying in the bubble and not growing as a human being. She's like a monkey in the zoo. Watch the monkey long enough and the chimp will eat, poop, and bate. With that said, her skin (or anyones) isn't thick enough to read all the criticism given to her. Of the smarts she has, she knows better then to read the CamCaps 'Gazette'.
  20. To an extent, I don't disagree with you. Then again, the next best thing is right around the corner. Leonie (who was on VH), was a Leora look-alike but with bigger, firm (and natural) boobs, a bit more adventurous, and more skilled in bed (she also got dick). As for Leora, she's bated in every position imaginable. ...and there are 9 years worth of video on the Internet (that would make a mother proud) that anyone can go back to for instant gratification.
  21. Maybe....maybe they've already banged in his apartment and he is working up the courage to do the same in front of the cameras? Could that be a possibility? And...whoever she eventually fucks in front of the camera, is she concerned what Paul will think? Or...will she look at it as a teaching opportunity for Paul the next time they hook up? And...what will Malia think??? The fake lezbo nights really meant nothing to her (while Malia always wanted a bit more)?! It's the RLC soap opera, where twists and turns are around the corner On a side note, once you've entered the friend zone, it is rare to go beyond that. If he's in the friend zone, he's going home with blue balls after each visit.
  22. I can't decipher whether some of you are pro or anti-Dennis. With all things said and under consideration, if she can get dick that comes with an emotional attachment, she should go for it. If you're in a relationship, you know what I mean. If you are in-between relationships, "sex" is much better when it comes with an emotional attachment. While I'd rather see her out of the bubble and make a (better) life for herself, at least while she's in the apartment, with this or any dude, she'd get meaningful dick (which would nurture her growth).
  23. Hmm....does that make Leora a (first class) whore because it seems her channel is the most popular?
  24. Folks, Been away for a short while. Bottom line question: Has Leora gotten dick in the apartment since Malia left? Not a plastic dick.. Not a rubber dick. I'm talking of a dick that is a male appendage.
  25. All I see is an underpass. If this was Los Angeles, at least I'd see a couple dozen homeless people scratching themselves while sharing a bong. How boring. 🙂
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