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Everything posted by herd0

  1. the other day she left and did't come home until late morning/early afternoon the next day, so it's possible she stayed with him...That's just my opinion though, she only has about a little over a week until Marco returns, so we'll see if anything further happens.
  2. i agree with your friend, it says Marco is on vacation until the 26 of August. This is the second time i've seen this other guy at the apartment, in my opinion you can definitely tell there is something going on there. I think Stesha is trying to keep it off camera though.
  3. I know Heidi was pretty drunk and all, but the fact that she's managed to stay asleep through all his groping and moving around is truly surprising. I mean, I figured she would have at least woken up once or twice, or maybe she did and I missed it. Not to mention he keeps making noises.
  4. lol, it's only a matter if time before one of those pillows hits the table knocking everything over.
  5. well, the apartment has been completely removed. So long Kitty, it was nice while it lasted.
  6. damn, kitty liked to show off on webcam every now and then too. I bet she was on omegle or chatroulette.
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