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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. We are approaching! Danaya pulled down his pants to Aida and patted her on the butt. Then there was some talk about tits and little take on the
  2. Aida and Danaya have talked together long in Ds bed. Aida get D to laugh and it appears that they have a good tone among themselves
  3. try turning off the motion detection (man with green soccer) It helps.
  4. I also have a different perception of what happened here. I actually think these two events were aimed at Adele for her answer by SMS Danaya received about "sexy stuff" It would be great if Yuri could quickly clear what happened / was said.
  5. Danaya bought a bottle of liquor. Standing slightly camouflaged behind Coke and carton of juice on the dining table.
  6. RLC has a good number who visit their site to run a month-. How many are paying, it says nothing about.
  7. Adele persuaded Danaya to join out. Danaya takes a long time to make up and get ready, so they'll pass out around 11pm maybe later..
  8. Thank you EagleWolf The same to you and yours from the high North Happy Easter to everyone here at CC
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