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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. Soon the girls can stay as long as they want March 17, 2016 European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker has said Ukraine has carried out the necessary reforms for the EU to recommend next month that Ukrainian citizens be granted visa-free travel through the passport-free Schengen zone. During a visit to Brussels on March 17, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko told RFE/RL that it was "very positive news." "We fulfilled everything," Poroshenko told RFE/RL. "This is very positive news. This is a great achievement for Ukraine and I’m absolutely sure that this is a great achievement for the European Union because it is a win-win situation for both sides.” "Ukraine, in the last days and hours, has undertaken huge reforms," said Juncker. "These steps...will allow us as the commission to make a proposal for visa liberalization in April." Any proposal to allow Ukraine to enjoy visa-free travel within the Schengen zone will need to be approved by the European Parliament and the 28 EU member states.
  2. The time is 1245 in Barcelona and Adele have not yet awakened or seen on some of her phones. Danaya has been up for a while and talked with the other two girls Never seen Adele sleep so long in the morning.. Maybe she's sick, she was so quiet last night.
  3. The day after One feels green in the face It is good to have headaches tableting and some water
  4. First she takes a half glass of Baileys in two minutes. So they share a bottle of wine Ends with a large glass Wiskey and taste the difference is huge ...
  5. Thanks for all your translations here and at K & K Yuri, greatly appreciate this
  6. Thank you for great pictures from the night's activities, you know how much appreciate it. Mikey, KZ, Snaky
  7. It's the big football day! Although Danaya may not seem anything about it, there are others who have had fun there before Barcelona vs Real Madrid La Liga today , 20:30 Camp Nou, Barcelona
  8. This was yesterday morning, just before Adele came in and separated them. Danaya pulled down Aidas pants patted her on the ass
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