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Everything posted by Noldus

  1. Adele is the new Nora :-) She entered the room to Danaya when they held on as best ever and now in the living room ...
  2. Wonder if the girls are going out tonight? It could look like they bought a bottle or two, located in the bag in the room to Danaya. They also painted more than usual in recent days,
  3. Yes I also think it will crash. See just now when it goes into a bit. Transmission freezer and it stutters and is slow.
  4. It's not good chemistry between the Adele and the other two, now they went down and she looked up in her room. Imagine that there is only a little over a month ago Irma, Anna, Layla and Ilona was at the club and they were drunk .. What a difference.
  5. Congratulations Post No. 1000 and thanks for all the info
  6. Danaya finished the cure? She bathed with Ilona again and now she has dropped long pants. :yeahbaby:
  7. Possible false alarm, but ADELE has begun with little fondling visible in the bed. :yikes: Sorry. false alarm, shes going to sleep..
  8. Can seem that Ilona For travel again? She has carved a new water bottle to the plant's. It stands at the end of the bed
  9. 1445 Moscowtime. Kami still in bed sleeping. Kristy left early this morning around 10)
  10. 1240: Ilona has found its place in the bed of Danaya and Adele just got home again. correction: Ilona went back to her own bed
  11. Thanks for the great pictures from last night. I had to catch a few hours of lost sleep and missed what happened after the guests had gone. Have a nice day everyone
  12. Then there came another couple sitting in the living room and watching a computer. Kristy has sat in the bath long .. Strangely, not quite the status of these people.
  13. They are now sitting in the kitchen. He seems to be a photographer of a kind. Going through images of people on camera.
  14. Well, they had to shop, the food they had been poor. Now they are back in bed, topless. But it appears that Ilona has MAC withdrawal continued, has laid down to sleep
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