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Posts posted by letsdothis

  1. 14 hours ago, BobBuilder12345 said:

    The complaining, speculation, analysis, arguing, etc that seems to fill threads here. Pictures and videos seem to be a rare thing these days.

    Gotcha. The pics & vids do seem to have slowed down a bit. If you
    join as a Premium Member, which I highly recommend, you'll have
    access to the Attachments Center. Here, you'll find 58,640 pics, GIFs
    and videos that get posted using the CC servers. And that number
    grows every hour. Great resource! Have fun and welcome to the fold.

  2. On ‎4‎/‎29‎/‎2018 at 2:47 PM, BobBuilder12345 said:

    I'll take that to mean there's interest 😀

    Part 2/4
    Part 3/4              (Video Content No Longer Available)
    Part 4/4

    You've made only 15 posts, have 104 "likes" and more than 70% of those
    came from just two posts!!! Amazing!! Keep up the great work!!! But, no
    pressure. 😉😊

    • Like 3
  3. @StnCld316

    1. Can I only earn points by replying and joining clubs or are there
      other ways, as well?
    2. What's the interest rate in the bank?
    3. Ten percent seems like a rather high broker's fee just to bank
      your points. Especially, since it's all automatic. How about 1%? 
    4. Can you add a field in Rewards & Logs to show what topic was
      replied to and make it link directly to that reply?
    5. I've never heard of clubs on CC, before. Who can start one, where
      and how?
    6. Can you hold onto your points indefinitely or do they go away if
      not used within a certain time period? Do you have to bank them
      in order to keep them?
    7. Who receives the points from the broker's fee in the bank and 
      what can they be used for?
    8. If 2500 points buy only a 10-day Premium Subscription, what
      would a full year cost?

    Just off the top of my head. Thanks.

    • Like 2
  4. On 4/24/2018 at 12:49 PM, iDreFresh said:

    Free world, paying site!  Why not pay like everyone else and see all you want?

    Before you think about writing the words, "Why not pay," or something
    similar, again, maybe you could also run the following words through
    your head, before putting pen to paper, so to speak.

    Of all the 1000s of people who frequent this site and RLC's, there are
    most likely some who live on fixed or limited budgets and even a few,
    I know of at least one, who live on no budget, who would never be
    lucky or fortunate enough to afford the luxury of $40 or $80 per month,
    or whatever it is, like the rest of the affluent, paid, RLC members. You
    may have been speaking to one directly. You never know.

    Please consider those words before assuming everyone is as fortunate
    as you. Thanks.

    • Like 4
  5. 4 hours ago, KMS said:

    He says "F.ck! What a man! We can not find even one of them here. F.ck this country."

    It's Turkish. Exact translation of "a.q." (short chat word like "lol" or "wtf") is not "f.ck" but it is being used to give the emotion when you say f.ck! in English.

    Thanks, KMS.

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