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Posts posted by letsdothis

  1. 17 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

    By those pictures, RLC should be regretting the poor quality!

    Harley, I don't think, in this case, we can blame RLC for the poor quality.
    Think about it. Everyone uses the same cameras to record their pictures
    and videos and we've seen much better quality pictures posted from
    these cameras. In this case, I believe the blurry, grainy quality is the
    result of excessive zooming in. Nothing personal, hiddenwood, lots of
    people do it.

  2. On 4/3/2017 at 11:48 AM, balt2103 said:

    Oh so! Who does not have money to buy, gets a piece of everythin for free! Well, I'll have to pick up my piece of Ferrari now!

    Well, so you just showed your true colors. You're a great, big, rude.
    complete and total ______. Since management won't let me say it,
    and deleted my first comment, just fill in any derogatory, four-letter

  3. 14 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    That will work out quite well. Before Non Premium Members could not see the Attached File placed. Now they know that there is something there they'll need a Premium Membership to see it.

    Actually, the msg in the hidden content box says, "Like this post
    and reply this topic to see the hidden content.
    " Since they couldn't
    see it or use it before, this implies they get to use it, too, and not
    just see it.

    All this reminds me that I need to renew my Premiumship. Thanks.

    • Upvote 1
  4. 19 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

    She telling him with that outfit, and she might even be saying it,  "i'm yours to do with whatever you want"  And he's like, "I'll show her, i'm going to look at this shit i'm looking at, and not even turn to look at her".

    Hope85 made Raul sit stone still, like that. He probably wasn't doing
    that when she was talking to him. (It just didn't seem like you were

  5. Harley, Irma is no fake. IMHO. She is one of the most real girls in
    the entire RLC project. And she is just like Dreamer described her
    and probably a bit more to boot. The fact that she's so playful and
    outgoing and friendly, may make her seem fake to you, but, Irma. Is.
    No. Fake.

    I know it's your opinion and you are certainly entitled to it, but in this
    case, I think you may have read it incorrectly. IMHO

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