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Posts posted by letsdothis

  1. 49 minutes ago, pahman said:

    Funny  that you say to me "Mental health is not something you judge from watching someone on a website". And you finish your sentence by saying "'then I am truly sorry. I can't help you" like if i had a problem. 

    There was no judgement there. He didn't say or even imply that you had a mental
    health issue. He said he couldn't help you understand what we're talking about.

  2. 51 minutes ago, pahman said:

    It's your opinion  -  oh sorry, your jugement. oh sorry your observation - . Do you know something about perception? 


    48 minutes ago, gaelgamorkh said:

    Your perception should help you identify whether it is an opinion, an observation or a judgement.

    Thank you, gaelgamorkh. Reached in and grabbed the words right out of my mouth.

  3. 28 minutes ago, DaMutt11 said:

    Can you guys take this discussion elsewhere - tired of coming here looking for updates on Misty and her 'guy friend', and all we see if you arguing.  GO AWAY!

    Every house has one thread. This is where everything gets posted - pictures, videos,
    comments - everything gets posted here. If you're not interested, don't read it. Simple.

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  4. 11 minutes ago, pahman said:

    So, people don't have the right to give their opinion?


    Not too long ago, I wrote you a post explaining the difference between an
    observation, an opinion and a judgement. You might want to go back and
    study it a bit more closely, because he didn't offer an observation nor an

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  5. 4 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    Come on Rockhard !! I expected better from you, I never would have thought you were the type of individual who would hide behind the "Racist " shield...Letsdothis was far from being racist, he was merely IMHO stating a fact that a Puerto Rican accountant, as opposed to an English accountant or an American accountant taught him the expression. This affront to your sensitivity is carrying Political Correctness much to far, and seems alien to your usual self.


    4 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

    IMHO You have said nothing offensive whatsoever, Our good friend ROCKHARD is being oversensitive today, not sure why, but if I had to hazard a guess I would respectfully suggest he may have Puerto Rican DNA...which is nothing to be sensitive about, if indeed it is a fact, Don't worry about it. 

    Thanks, Jimbo. I appreciate your remarks. I still don't understand, though, how it
    could possibly be racist to say a Puerto Rican is an embezzler, even if ROCKHARD
    is of Puerto Rican heritage. I'm lost on this one.

    • Like 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, ROCKHARD said:

    Are you sure he or she wasn't Russian, or Chinese? A racist remark if I ever heard one. "I learned that from an Accountant, who ended up in jail would have been adequate...:angry:

    I'm afraid I don't follow. He was Puerto Rican, an accountant, and he went to jail
    for embezzlement. It's all factual information, but how in hell is any of that racist?
    Are you implying it's racist to say a Puerto Rican is an embezzler? What makes
    that a racist statement? If he had been Russian and an embezzler, would that be
    racist, too?

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, timber said:

    There's definitely not a $199 charge for sending a take down notice. There's also no agency in charge of enforcing take down notices. If the website refuses to take an image/video/song down, the copyright holder's only recourse is to sue them in civil court for copyright infringement. You can read about the basic safe harbor/take down provision of the DMCA here. The text of the relevant part of statute is here.

    Perhaps the confusion comes from the fact that there are companies that copyright holders can pay to search the internet for infringing material and issue take down notices. They charge varying fees, monthly subscriptions, etc. But you're paying them for the work of finding the material, issuing the take down notice, etc. You're free to do those things yourself for no charge.

    Anyway, enough off topic posts. I'll leave you guys to the leora watching.

    As I said, my information came from StnCld, who I hoped would jump in here
    and help me out or correct me or something. Maybe he''s still sleeping.

  8. 36 minutes ago, timber said:

    The DMCA is just a U.S. law, it's not an organization. RLC doesn't need to petition them for anything. They just send take down notices to the imagehosts. Any host that is based in a country whose laws mandate a notice and take down regime similar to the DMCA will follow those procedures and remove a potentially copyright-infringing image. If they don't, they run the risk of being held liable for infringing images uploaded by their users.

    I confess to not being an expert on these matters, and while some of what you
    said sounds perfectly legitimate, I'm fairly certain that not all of this is completely
    correct, and I defer to the resident expert on the matter.

    For example, if you read my post previous to this one, you'll see that I said:

    "The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a US copyright law."

    So, I agree, it's not an organization. However, according to StnCld, our resident
    expert, each time RLC wishes to have content removed, they must make a
    request of the DMCA, and I presume that means whomever enforces that law,
    and they, in turn, issue the takedown notice to the host and not RLC directly.

    I'm also fairly certain, according to StnCld, that each time RLC makes a request
    like that, it costs them $199.

  9. 39 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

    I'm really not a foot guy, but I am certain that because of my addiction to the Goddess that she could make any shoe look good when she wears it. Just like everything else she wears.

    Too bad she doesn't wear squirrel fur...


    If she did, wouldn't you get a bit chilly? Doesn't that fur need to be skinned
    off you first? You know, like with a very sharp knife?  :biggrin:

  10. 3 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    When RLC Content is Posted then RLC files an Order with the DMCA. Then the DMCA will send a Takedown Order to the Server the Content was Uploaded to. Most of the Operators of the Servers will Comply and Remove the Content from the List of URL's they Receive. 

    As you may notice throughout the Forums some Picture Content get Removed and others don't is each user has their own preference of Uploading Hosts.  http://keep4u.ru/    or  http://pichoster.net/  seem to be the Top Two Hosts for Uploading Picture Content to.  I would imagine those servers are given lots of DMCA Requests but the Content never seems to get removed.  I would presume the Upload is sent to a Ghost Server for those Two Hosts or they are simply in Defiance of the DMCA which eventually sometime down the road their Servers will get clipped in a Court of Law.

    The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) is a US copyright law. Does it have
    any clout, legal or otherwise, in other countries, or certain other countries? If not,
    would its bark (a takedown order) be much bigger than its bite (legal issues)? Just

    On a different note, is it possible that some 3rd party hosts, such as PostImage or
    HostPic, don't allow adult content on their servers and that's why some pictures are 
    removed so quickly, because the host is removing them and not RLC or the DMCA?
    RLC doesn't usually remove pictures. I've noticed that pictures only seem to get
    removed if they're uploaded to PostImage or HostPic.

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