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Posts posted by Maturin

  1. Just now, Ridgerunner said:

    More pseudo intellectual bs disguised as knowledge. You are so full of shit that it is coming out of the top of your head. No, actually I just consider Trump to be the President of the United States. I protect myself.

    You don't protect yourself with the things you write on here mate. In fact you commit credibility suicide every time you chooose to write your bullshit. Always banging on about President Trump, like a proper beta male. Dude, he doesn't even know you exist, get over it!

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  2. 7 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    I pay no attention to anything written on the businessinsider blog nor the atlantic blog because they are both liberal progressive publication which distort and mislead.

    You're a fucking idiot mate. Let me get to the truth in the above sentence:

    I pay no attention to anything written on the businessinsider blog nor the atlantic blog because they are both liberal progressive publication which distort and mislead.

    I pay no attention to anything that would move me to understand that everything is not as great as I'm told it is because then I would feel guilty about not being bothered to do anything about it. So I get my "news" from the places that sell opinion as fact and it keeps me comfortably numb.


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  3. Just now, trump45sucks said:

    Why is it always something with you?  Trump's real approval rating is 43%, yet you believe it's 49% based on ONE poll.  Anything that doesn't fit your beliefs is "fake news."  Obama had a higher GDP and created more jobs than Trump, but that's "fake news."  You are blinded by the orange-haired man.

    He's a classic beta male and his lack of education means that he mistakenly believes that Trump (🤣) is the strong alpha male that will keep him safe.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Thank you for once again displaying your ignorance of my country. Yeah,with my $60,000 worth of retirement income I'm really fucking everyone else in America. Your highly educated stupidity amazes me.

    This reply has no bearing on the info that it is replying too. Your hate is getting you mixed up mate. What has this reply got to do with what I wrote?

    • Like 1
  5. This guy actually represents the US's problem.

    He thinks he's winning because he gets to keep more of his earnings yet people are being fucked over left right and centre in his country because there's not enough tax revenue to pay for the social and infrastructure liabilities.

    But he bangs on about patriotism and his brilliant country, yet he is a parasite to it. He claps himself on the back for not paying tax money that will help out his fellow Amrericans and local services and only thinks of himself. What a pathetic way to live ones life.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Rates have been lowered since Trump became president. That's one of the advantages of not living in a socialist country, you're allowed to keep  more of the money you've earned. 

    Does it not matter to you that the infrastructure in your country is abysmal? Does it not matter to you that your education system is in ruins? Does it not matter to you that people go bankrupt just from getting sick?

    Does all that not matter to you just so you can pay a little less tax?

    • Like 2
  7. Just now, Ridgerunner said:

    No, actually I'm enjoying this and the rest of my life.

    Like I siad, he keeps on giving!!

    You're enjoying this are you? Fuck's sake, mate!! This is fun for you, really? Oh, yeah, you're a lonley nasty old troll and this is the only social experience that you get in your life.

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  8. Just now, jabbath1987 said:

    So you think your beliefs are the only right ones and all the others are wrong. That sounds very stubborn and not educated at all to me...

    It's the number one marker for someone that has very little education. "I stand by my beliefs so.."

    "Yeah, well please go and stand somewhere else!" 🤣

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  9. 3 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Why can Europeans not handle criticism of their beliefs? Maybe it's because their beliefs are not something they have arrived at on their own. Could it be that European education is more indoctrination than it is teaching people how to think for themselves. 

    You really have no sense of irony do you? That you, after all the baseless, factless bull that you write every day can then talk about indoctrination in others?! You're the idiotic gift that just keeps giving 🤣 😂


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  10. 6 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    And the opinion of an elitist prick like you means nothing to me. 

    What I will always find funny is that you wouldn't be typing so much bull if other people's opinions weren't important to you!! You can't let a single post go without smearing your Fox News regurgitated lies in response! You're a troll mate and absolutely nbobody thinks that you're smart or a stand up guy, you come across as a nasty, lonely old man who missed out on a lot of hugs and book reading when he was younger.

    Take a 'kin day off mate and stop embarrasing yourself.

    • Like 2
  11. 9 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

     Invading Crimea was just a little adventure? And he did that because he knew Obama was a wimp who would do nothing to stop him. Allow Putin to make Germany dependent on Russia for energy and see what happens. He won't need to use military force to bring you to your knees.

    It really is remarkable how you take on Europeans, who in just a few short sentences show that they have a better understanding of global politics and events than you, yet with each one of your many, many posts you show the ignorant dullard that you are. You're the very definition of a troll, offensive, dull and the couple of boards that you hang out in are the perfect metaphor for the bridge that trolls hide under.

    You merely have a one-sided tenuous grasp of politics in your own nation yet think that you can preach to infinitely better educated Europeans about politics in our part of the world??? Wood worker, you continue to make an idiot out of yourself. 😂😂😂😂

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  12. On 1/30/2020 at 11:11 AM, Chipper said:

    I may have been wrong about the drinking, but there were times where she seemed totally out of it.  It might have been something other than alcohol but when she was like this her boyfriend didn’t want anything to do with her no matter how hard she tried.  I can’t see living like this just for a free apartment, but this is a different part of the world than I am used to.

    They used to do a fair bit of drugs back when they were new to the apartment. The openly were sniffing poppers whilst high, I'd guess and say it was ecstasy they were doing and they would lie about all day gurning and playing with themselves and each other. Was quite funny actually, there should be more like that.

    Except, Eric was a total wanker when he was on a come down and was verbally and physically violent to Julia - seems like they realised that and they stopped doing the drugs and became really boring but better that then watching him trying to smash her laptop and grabbing her round the neck etc etc.

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  13. 5 minutes ago, squish said:

    Not really my argument but let us not forget that there are more prominent democrats/socialists in Epsteins black book than Republicans. I am sure you are just as horrified about this also?

    Absolutley. The thread is about Trump, however, the sooner all of them are brought to justice, the better.

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  14. Just now, happyone said:

    I do not know what country you are from, but I am sure that it has it's problems as well--so maybe you should concentrate more on your own country. We do not have a thread to scrutinize your country and your president, supreme leader, queen, king, emperor,  or dictator--but maybe you should start one,  Might be fun 🤣

    It doesn't matter what non-US country I'm from because no matter which, the insults from you fellers will be the same cookie cutter bullshit, so I'll save you the trouble of embarrasing yourselves, again. Every country has it's problems, I recognise the ones in mine and do my part to change them. What have you guys done recently to help your communities?

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  15. Just now, StnCld316 said:

    Any homes and buildings that were built prior to 1987 were poorly insulated. It was after 1987 that the Building Codes changed requiring insulation materials to made of something other than Asbestos and Fibreglass materials. As far as snow on the rooftops go every house or building gets snow on their roofs.  The roofing materials used today are made so that any sunlight shining on them warms up the shingles enough where the snow slides off them.  If you live in a house that doesn't have a specified shingle snow much snow will accumulate and be so heavy that parts of the rooftops would buckle and collapse if the snow was too heavy. That's why some have roof rakes or snow-peelers.

    Aha, got it, thanks. We've not had snow here yet but usually get about a meter or so on the roof. I'll look into getting one of the peelers if it gets bad this year.

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