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Posts posted by Maturin

  1. Just now, happyone said:

    I do not know what country you are from, but I am sure that it has it's problems as well--so maybe you should concentrate more on your own country. We do not have a thread to scrutinize your country and your president, supreme leader, queen, king, emperor,  or dictator--but maybe you should start one,  Might be fun 🤣

    It doesn't matter what non-US country I'm from because no matter which, the insults from you fellers will be the same cookie cutter bullshit, so I'll save you the trouble of embarrasing yourselves, again. Every country has it's problems, I recognise the ones in mine and do my part to change them. What have you guys done recently to help your communities?

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, StnCld316 said:

    Any homes and buildings that were built prior to 1987 were poorly insulated. It was after 1987 that the Building Codes changed requiring insulation materials to made of something other than Asbestos and Fibreglass materials. As far as snow on the rooftops go every house or building gets snow on their roofs.  The roofing materials used today are made so that any sunlight shining on them warms up the shingles enough where the snow slides off them.  If you live in a house that doesn't have a specified shingle snow much snow will accumulate and be so heavy that parts of the rooftops would buckle and collapse if the snow was too heavy. That's why some have roof rakes or snow-peelers.

    Aha, got it, thanks. We've not had snow here yet but usually get about a meter or so on the roof. I'll look into getting one of the peelers if it gets bad this year.

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  3. 16 minutes ago, happyone said:

    Now you are twising the facts--neither the article or myself claimed that.  If it was common knowledge that Trump sues and has been sued, then why did you post Trump has been sued 3,500 times by his business partners, contractors, clients, employees, and banks-which was a lie?  All you are doing in skewing an article or the facts to fit your own agenda and hatred.   It is a fact that many wealthy and moderated wealthy individuals and businesses in the US are involved in lawsuits to protect their wealth by

    the vultures, people looking for an easy buck,  and lawyers made possible by the outdated legal and tort system.  Now do some research and find out how many times the other rich Democratic hopefuls have been involved in lawsuits to protect their wealth

    and report back to this forum. 😏

    Ah, i see what you are trying to do.

    As I explained it is one of Trump's defining characteristcs, well before he ran for president, that he was constantly involved in litigation. Suing and being sued, as a business choice to save himself a buck. That's like literally the thing he is was well known for, apart from the Apprentice. When I posted that item, I could have checked to see the break down of the cases because I didn't know them, so thanks for setting me straight on that - doesn't change the fact that the bloke is a nickle-and-dimer. So no, I didn't lie or change the facts, I didn't check the intricacies of something I posted that is a common perception of one of the world's most famous shucksters. Sue me! 😂

    I don't hate anyone or anything. It's you two fellers who are getting their panties in a twist about a grifter that doesn't give two shits about you. Neither do I care about Democrats that have been involved in lawsuits, as I've said many times, your whole political class is full of shysters, yet every four years you working Americans dutifully pick sides and argue over who is the best of the two candidates that have been chosen by the elites to govern you. Your country is fucked until you get rid of all the elite wankers that control you. Simple as that.

    But yeah, please do keep focussing on the one thing that you can get a handle on.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, happyone said:

    Here is the article that includes your charge--In no way does it implicate Trump (or Clinton for that matter) in any wrong doing---they all knew each other as the article states.

    I wish that you would at least be more honest and quit cherry picking your quotes and claims--we have enough fake news already


    So, you're saying they weren't friends? What is it you are saying to refute me? The article has Trump's quote, who says something like that about someone who is not a friend? You throw the term "fake news" around too easily.

  5. 8 minutes ago, happyone said:

    regarding #10--read the facts--Trump has not been sued 3500 times--he was involved in about 3500 cases during the last 30 years and below outlines what the cases were about and what happened

    So you lied in your statement that "Trump has been sued 3,500 times by his business partners, contractors, clients, employees, and banks

    It is not unusual for most wealthy people be involved in numerous lawsuits (Clinton has at least 900)


    Ah, ok, so that makes all the other stuff not true too then? It wasn't a lie, it's common knowledge that Trump sues and has been sued a ridiculous amount of times to hang on to any shred of credibility - Thanks for the breakdown, I'll remember that, still, the fact that so many US wealthy people are involved in lawsuits to protect their wealth is one thing, but that one of them then becomes the president? That is something quite sad really.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Epstein was a member of Trump's country club. And when Trump learned that Epstein was harassing young women employees of the club Trump had him kicked out.

    Yeah yeah, nothing to see here. They fell out because they were trying to buy the same house. The "club," was Mar-a-Lago which was a well known place for Epstien to bring his girls.

    Trump literally said,  “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

    That's your President, that's the face of the USA.

  7. 1 minute ago, Ridgerunner said:

    You have no facts, just a repetition of news media and Democrat talking points.

    1. At least 24 women have accused Donald Trump of inappropriate sexual behavior in several incidents over the last 30 years.
    2. He once ran the Donald J. Trump Foundation established in 1988, but was shut down by the NY State Attorney General’s office in 2013 for multiple violations.
    3.  Trump was a registered Democrat between 2001 and 2009
    4. Six times he’s filed for bankruptcy for his business properties between 1991 and 2009.
    5. Trump once quipped that “I do play with bankruptcy laws—they are very good for me” as a way of cutting debt.
    6. Trump Management Corporation was once sued by The Department of Justice for discrimination because they would not rent to people of a certain race.
    7. SPY Magazine once sent some of the world’s richest people checks of 13 cents to see who would cash them. The only people to do so were an arms dealer and Donald Trump.
    8. He passed up the chance to buy the New England Patriots back in the 80s because he thought they were a bad investment.
    9. He was good friends with peadophile gang lord Jeffery Epstein
    10. Trump has been sued 3,500 times by his business partners, contractors, clients, employees, and banks.
  8. 11 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    trump45sucks is mentally deranged and delusional. Just go back and look at his posts. Whenever he says that one of Trump's lawyers would argue that Adolf Hitler was innocent of crimes against humanity just as a way to discredit the attorney's credibility is that not deranged?

    That was an allusion to illuminate the moral bankruptcy of defense lawyers for the rich and famous in general. YOur posts and indeed my own in response to yours, do not do any of us any favours but you have set the low bar here with you constant bickering and name calling, spouting off about other people's nationalities and countries, constatnly using childish epithets and all the rest.

    If you're so sure that your guy Trump s God's gift, then why are you so defensive all the time and continually drag out ad hominem attacks on people to bring them down to the level where shit is being flung rather than facts?

  9. 6 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    But it's alright for you to throw insults, right mate.  So are you saying that you complained to the mods, because you are a wimpy backstabber who can dish it out but who can't take it.

    Good grief, wood worker! You remember that concept that we had a chat about called projection?  You call a chap mentally deranged and delusional but then go around accusing people of telling tales on you - using anti-social, some might say unhinged, phrases like, "wimpy backstabber."

    Do you have someone in your social circle that you can talk to about all these horrible thoughts that you keep typing out here? If not friends or family, then maybe a professional? It's not healthy to be such a dick all the time, mate.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Like I said before, you are mentally deranged and delusional.  Actually, it was Hillary that cheated and she still lost.  You are the one in for a rude awakening when you see the size of Trump's victory in Nov., 2020. 

    Go easy on the insults there old bean, you might get one of the mods calling you a troll and a shitstirrer. Because, yeah that'll actually happen.                                                                               

  11. 13 minutes ago, Robwin said:

    Normally if no snow is on roofs it usually shows the roofs aren't insulated properly but no doubt there is another reason someone will point out.

    Ah OK, that makes sense but I would have thought that Canadians know all about insulation and stuff like that.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    #1 Trump will not be removed from office through impeachment.  #2 Trump won the 2016 presidential election when all the so called media experts said he had no chance.  #3 Donald Trump will be reelected president in 2020. 

    In which case the USA will confirm the laughable opinion that the rest of the world has of it.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, Ridgerunner said:

    You know exactly what Trump meant by that comment, but you are so intellectually dishonest that you construe a figurative comment to be something literal just to disparage Trump.  

    You should see if you can get a job as his press bitch. It seems your nose is definitely long enough.

  14. Just now, Ridgerunner said:

    The Democrats are the ones melting down. If Bernie wins in Iowa and New Hampshire all hell will break loose in the Democratic Party.

    Seems like you're the one melting down. Go outside and take a fucking walk man then come back and change the record. Is this sort of shit really how you want to spend your twilights years?!

  15. 6 minutes ago, Ridgerunner said:

    Not nearly as ignorant as you are. What Trump said is if he had carried out the policies of John Bolton as NSA , that Bolton would already have us in World War 6. But you wouldn't want to be honest and truthful about anything that Trump does would you?

    Mate, you rant and rave on here like you've got it too! Every hour of the day, tap tap tapping at your keyboard whenever someone says something you don't like against Trump, like some kinda bitch. 🤣

    Please tell me where Trump would have had time to fit in world wars 3, 4 and 5 since he gave Bolton a job? Is World War 6 the proper one and the other imaginary ones were hors d'oeuvre?

    Basic maths mate, I hear it gets more difficult to do as the disease takes over the elderly mind, mmm?

  16. 54 minutes ago, Slender Man said:

    Most of the UK couldn't give a monkey's ass.

    Precisely. Most of the world couldn't give a monkey's ass and the only reason there is so much royal celebrity news about it is to hush up Prince Andrew's connection to to Jeffery Epstein and the very real possibility that Andrew was one of Epstein's clients.

    I think we'll see Andrew take an "accidental" long walk off a short pier before the year is out.

    • Like 1
  17. 51 minutes ago, Dave 27 said:

    The reference to zyklonb was way over the top I know that but the nasty stuff you were saying about us older guys was totally out of order and I used that subject to point out to you just exactly what you were saying.You cannot make outrageous unfounded statements about older people like that.Because we are older than you doesn't make us any less able to have an informed opinion on life matters.For me personally you are way off the mark on my opinion on the current Royal family troubles.I have never discussed it with anyone and yet you let rip saying this,calling us that without any decent reason to do so.Just to make clear I am not an odd little man.I made that remark in answer to your unjustified verbal onslaught.As far as Prince Andrew is concerned he has been caught and should be sentenced accordingly,well actually more than that.But at least I now know where I stand with you and your opinions.For me personally it's probably best if you keep them to yourself.

    Cry me a river snowflake. Making bullshit assumptions about people so that you can attack your assumed weakness in them is the stock in trade of all you right wing old farts.

    You club together and try to bully people that disagree with you by calling them names, telling them to shut up, questioning their ability to post comments with you etc etc.

    You're all a cliche of yourselves, one that became old years ago and you've made the forums utterly toxic. I don't give a rat's arse about your opinions on anything mate; you and the others were helping me make a point that you toxic blowlimps like to dish it out but sure as hell can't take it back.

    I've turned off notifications for this thread as the point has been made and it is shite having to operate on your level.

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