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Everything posted by me2hk

  1. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). Relaxing on sofa. Her hand keeps moving.
  2. Do we know for sure that this apartment is in Italy? I remember someone reached this conclusion based after seeing a shopping bag from a Milan store. If that was the only reason for saying it is in Italy then Nellie and Bodgan could have shopped there on some previous occasion. It seems logical that RLC would want to concentrate their apts. in a few areas to for ease of maintenance. I too hate to see them go. They are the happiest couple of all the RLC and looking in on them was always something to look forward to. We will miss them.
  3. How about a naked twister session. Like the one posted yesterday but without clothes.The girls are getting comfortable in being around each other in the nude and they might find it exciting. I know that we would. A chance to have a little body contact too.
  4. Adriana and Daniel just left their apartment at 5:05 AM (their time) with luggage looking like they are going somewhere for a few days.
  5. Doesn't she know that girls should not wear panties when in bed. They restrict the air circulation. They also block the view (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  6. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). Another shot.
  7. NO se preocupe compañero, solo están haciendo ajustes de los servidores... en un rato o quizá mañana estarán las imágenes visibles, no es la primera vez que ha pasado, mientras tanto les aconsejo utilizar: http://www.hostingpics.net/index.html (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). SALUDOS: I do not know if it's my computer bug, but actually, most of the photos posted (by kzs, euromike) have disappeared or are no longer visible !!! I don't think it really matters what Third Party Server is used. If you use those types of services your 99% sure RLC will go to great lengths as to getting the content removed, but they do have a hard-on for going to further lengths of a select few. But they don't intimidate me. As far as I'm concerned whoever operates RLC can go fuck themselves. The only best way now to post your content and not have it removed is straight through the attachment feature provided on this forum. Only thing is non paying members won't be able to see the content until they get paid status. http://www.subirimagenes.net used to be a great pic and gif posting site but as of late they seem to have been on RLC's hit list as well or they just dumped their servers to free up the bandwidth but am almost certain they've fallen to the DMCA. all the subirimagenes pic are back ;) Then it was just something with their servers then. I guess we should have just listened to SanPer... he knew what he was talking about. ;) Thanks to all that have been posting pictures and videos for all to see. I really appreciate it. Information regarding the server source of posted links is readily available to anyone including RLC agents. If a link is posted, then anyone can find out the source by reading the address in the same manner that your browser does. The recent case where a bunch of postings recently disappeared was causedd by technical problems with the server and was not caused by information that someone had posted on the CC site The missing material has now been re-posted. RLC can easily find out which server their alleged copyrighted material is coming from. And then they can contact the server's operator and ask them to remove the material. They can threaten to use legal action against the site if they do not comply. This does take some effort on RLC's part, but most host server sites will comply if a legitimate sounding claim is presented to them. Upon request, some server operator may agree not to post future material from a specific source, such as RLC. Others will respond to a request to remove a specific item, but will require a new request for each new item that may be posted. This latter approach requires more effort from both the requesting party and from the server operator making it less likely that a new item will be banned. Persons desiring to have an item posted can improve the chances of having the item remain for a longer period of time by seeking a server that only responds to specific requests to remove items. A trial and error method of determining which proceedures a server operator is following. Persnal contact with the server operator or with other posters may also be useful. Viewing Web sites where RLC material or other similar material is posted will also help in finding out where material stays up for longer periods of time. If an individual poster posts to different sites in successive posts it will be more difficult for the censor to find all posts. The procedures followed by a server operator may depend to some degree on the country where the server is located although all major countries agree to respect copyright rules. RLC also tries to identify the source of any posted content. They se at least two methods of marking their RLC material that will allow them to identify who has copied the copyrighted material from their source. A Log is kept of the IP address of all viewers and an unique id is assigned to each viewer. A visible alpha-numeric id is applied to the image and a “hidden” watermark is also used. When they identify the person responsible, they revoke the persons RLC paid membership and also ban them from viewing the RLC site. So, what can we do to allow more free posting of RLC video material. Continue to copy interesting video clips from both free and pay RLC pages Use alternate IP address if feasible to make tracing more difficult Edit video to remove all id marks and watermark ids before posting Choose video server site that has best chance of leaving video in place for longer periods of time Use a different server site if feasible for successive posts Search for friendly server sites based upon their posts of similar material Use server sites that work and avoid those that don't – avoid spam and unwanted download sites Find way of exchanging info between CamCom posters that is not available to RLC staff Share experience using restricted site. I do not understand why RLC seems to make such a big deal of this unauthorized viewing. Their source of revenue is from paid memberships that allow members to view all of their Webcams. Many of their Webcams are also available for free viewing. The free site viewing leads to more pay sign ups. In a similar manner free “unauthorized” viewing will lead to additional sign ups. The free advertising that they receive from the CamCaps forum postings more than offsets any loss of revenue that they may incur through these "illegal" postings. The whole issue is very much like the battle that the music industry fought ( and lost) over the copying of music. I am not a lawyer. This is just my personal opinion. I would welcome any corrections, suggestions, and/or comments that anyone may wish to make. *** End of Rant ***
  8. Which 'skinny girl' are you saying is sister to Bogdan. And how do you know this?
  9. Great pics. Thanks. Taya is going to be OK. RLC now has Maya, Zoya and Taya. The *ya girls. Yarik's back tatoo is bigger and beter than Maya's. Bedroom cams seem tp be OK (based upon these pics.) Quality will be a problem on Living Room cams because of long distances involved. Wonder what the deal is with all of the guys and one other girl around last night. Most left around 6:30 AM, 5 July local time except for two guys that crashed on the sofa. Taya and Yarik then went into the bedroom and they appear to not be camera shy as the pics from the previous post show.
  10. We need someone with acess to #2 or #3 cams to see what the blond in the chair is doing. She will probably fall asleep soon.
  11. The cute Blond girl came back into the room and is now sitting in a chair with her knee barely visable. Maybe we can get a three-some going. At leastwe can dream.
  12. Bogdan and blue shirt girl are on the bed together. Nellie is probably asleep. She was pretty out of it. Will Bogdan make a move? She is willing.
  13. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). Some party pics.
  14. Bogdan took picture during the party, I think that he uploaded them and the survivors are viewing them now.
  15. Party over? Someone is sick. Big crowd in bath room. Getting bed ready. Who will be in bed?
  16. Gtting warm -- shirts coming off. Floor is wet because of water being poured on guests -- Wet t-shirts anyone? (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  17. Party in progress. Be interesting to see where it goes. Five girls + 2 guys. Wine and liquor are flowi\ing. Everyone is loose. There must be a patio or balcony of-camera to the right from the #1 free cam. People keep disappearing there and coming back. Cams are having difficulty with all the motion. Has switched to B&W for a while although light seems to be adequate.
  18. Maya fresh out of the bath. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  19. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). A little lesbian tit action.
  20. Good wrestling match on the sofa between Hector and Suzan a couple of hours ago. He was trying to pin her and lift her up but she would escape. He was geting pretty rough but she did not seem to mind and kept coming back for more. I hope that he doesn't hurt her badly. He is a very macho (grab girl by the hair and drag her back to his cave to have his way with her) type. She seems to go along with it. Maybe it is a cultural thing. Someone said that they were Bulgarian. Interesting time schedule of this couple and also some of the others. It is after four in the AM, their time and they are up going strong. I wonder if RLC gives them some type of premium for the late night/early morning shift to have more apts available for the Western Hemishere to watch during prime time.
  21. She is showing him how she likes it. He seems interested watching closely but does not follow thru. All of the RLC men fit the old stereotype of not paying attention to the girls wants/needs. They just want to stick the dick in and cum as quick as they can then go back to the iPad. They are missing out on a lot of fun that way. And the gals are left to themselves.
  22. Leora needs a vibrator. Maybe something like the original Rabbit one that was on Sex in the City. If anyone has any RLC connections they should tell RLC to give her one. It would give her fingers a rest. She seems to be having a good orgasm every 3 days or so since Paul has been away. She will have trouble adjusting to Paul's 3-4 minute quickies when he returns. Hopefully she has learned to take care of herself and maybe to tell him what she needs. She is great to watch -- very slow to start and slowly building up to the climax. Average time from start to finish about 25 minutes..
  23. Maya vacuuming wearing her barely there panties. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  24. Curly topless on sofa a few days ago. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  25. Nelly is a winner. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
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