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Everything posted by me2hk

  1. The Girls of Barcelona 1 & 2. Some viewers have speculated that the girls that RLC provides are high class prostitutes or escorts in a business run by RLC. If this is true the business must not be very successful because they are around the apartments night and day except for occasional beach time and club time for a few hours once or twice a week. They do not seem to be on call and they plan activities days ahead. I think that they are modern girls looking for a way to have fun and make a living. The economy in their part of the world is such that good office jobs in conventional fields are not available. So the attractive ones are going into fashion modeling. There are numerous agencies that will sign them and find modeling work for them for a significant portion of what they make. RLC has connections with these modeling agencies and has developed a package arrangement where an attractive model can fly to Barcelona and live rent free in an upscale apartment with other models in exchange for giving RLC permission to have web cams covering most of the living spaces in the apartment. They can stay as long as their tourist visa allows (usually 90 days). They will then be given air transportation back to their home where they will be encouraged0 to tell their other modeling friends about this opportunity. Barcelona is a great beach town with an active nightlife and opportunities are likely to come along in the modeling field as well as the chance to meet single males that may become long term partners through marriage. The loss of privacy with the always on Webcams is bound to be of major concern to someone considering this arrangement but I am sure that RLC tells them that Barcelona is a long way from home and the chances that they will be recognized is small. From this aspect they are in a similar situation as the Camgirls who display their bodies and perform sex acts for tips. In fact the Camgirls are more like prostitutes since they are doing sex acts for money (tips) where the RLC girls are just allowing viewers to look in on their daily lives which may include nu0dity and sex. While we do not know the details of the agreement between RLC and their girls there must be some incentive for the girls to wear a minimum of clothing when they are in the apartment. There also appears to be some sort of bonus for performing certain acts such as masturbation or anything that will attract more viewers to the RLC site. r
  2. RLC must be giving a bonus for nudity this week. Zoya has been like this for an hour or so now. As usual Lev is ignoring her
  3. Masha has big "O" from jacuzzi jet in bath tub. Just a little nipple tweaking with fingers. But the water jet did it.
  4. Adriana is still very horny today with her hands all over Daniel, but as usual he is not responding. So sad. A sexy girl like Adriana, and she has to beg for some attention. She should just give up with him and 'bate more.
  5. Lots of sleeping beauty to watch during the overnight. Meagan is uncovered wearing only a brief thong string in IIona's room at the #1 apt. If she would just roll over .. Adriana is bottomless hoping for sex The sun is up in the East and the lighting geting better in all bedrooms. Morning showers will start soon.
  6. Adriana wants to have sex. Danielis not responding very well but if she keeps at it......
  7. Poor Meagen. She has never had an orgasm.(See Kitek's translation of girl talk in the Lola section.) Lola and Anna should offer to give her some hands on instruction on how to best do it. Or we have several hundred watchers that would be more than wiliing to help.
  8. There is a blind spot in Megan's room - off camera to the right that she stands in while getting dressed. Camera 13 needs to be adjjusted to the right. She ix very good at keeping a minimum of exposure. In the bath she turns to the wall while washing her hair.
  9. Puzzle almost finished, Good job Meagan. Lola needs to improve her posture. If she would stand up straight her stomach would not look so bad. Saw Meagan, Anna, and Lola in the shower and Meagan has the best posture. Lola needs to pull in her gut as they say in the military. from the front she looks almost pregnant but it is because of her sway back. Anna also needs to stand up straight and she would look better.
  10. Zoya is one of our best 'baters. Especially when she lies naked on her back on the living room sofa with her knees bent and spread apart as she did today. The camera is perfectly positioneed and the lighting is good. This is on a free cam too. She does not fake it and really enjoys herself with her eyes closed she works with fingers inside and on her clit. She takes it slow and slows down short or cumming for a while then she will continue to several orgasms. We can pretty much count on her to 'bate every day when he is away. I hope that he stays away. Sometimes in the bedroom and sometimes in the bathtub. But usually uncovered. A great show! Thank you Zoya. ncovered.
  11. I guess that was before my time as a premium member. For anyone that did not like tonight's bath party -- I do not know why you stay here, There are plenty of hard core sites that show what you are looking for. Here we have fresh young girl next door types that keep us guessing as to how far or when they will show .. what. This is much more exciting and entetaining for me.
  12. You have to give these girls points for originality. Who would have thought of three beautiful gals naked, having wine and dinner in the bath tub by candlellight. They win the prize for today.
  13. Suzan and Hector going strong at 0545 their time. She is realllly enjoying it and he goes on and on.
  14. Aunt Flo visiting Zoya, Zoya added a panty liner when she finished her shower today.
  15. Party at D & D's place. 4 or 5 couples. Some attractive girls. They are playing some kind of a card game.
  16. Irma is sleeping on the floor in her room.. Mostly out of camera renge. Maybe for a little privacy for a bating session??
  17. Lots of action today with two girl guests and Niina & Kira. Nina and one of the guests took showers. Guest was a litte camera shy keeping back to camera mostly. Nice body though. They all got dressed up and left about 10 pm their time, for a night out. Sould be interesting when they come home. I have some pictures that I will be glad to post if I cna ever figjue out how to become a Premium CC member. I would prefer to pay by PayPal if that is possible. I guess that I can use my VIsa card if there is no other choice.
  18. I have sent $12 to [email protected] from PayPal for one year Premium Membershp. Hope it works.






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  19. I hope that smeone got a video of Leora's bating session just finished, As usual she started slowly wih the thong pulled aside, then removed the thong and got into some serious bating. First on her back with legs wide open and then flipped over with her ass in the air. She was back on her back and increasing speed as the big "O" appoached. Then the dog started barking as reported above. Apparently the dog thought she was in trouble or something because of her loud moaning. It was not clear if she finished her orgasm before throwing the pillow at the dog. She then stuck a finger in and decided that she needed to cleam up. Went into the bathroom and washed her pussy with the hand held shower head. Dryed off and back to check on the dog as reported, I don't know how clipping the dog's nails helped but the dog seemed happy. Leora is nude during all of this activity. I hope that someone got the video recorded.
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